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City of San Leandro <br />Sewer System Management Plan <br />Volume I <br />Section 3 - Legal Authority <br />D.13.(iii) Legal Authority: Each Enrollee must demonstrate, through sanitary sewer system use <br />ordinances, service agreements, or other legally binding procedures, that it possesses the necessary <br />legal authority to: <br />(a) Prevent illicit discharges into its sanitary sewer system (examples may include infiltration and <br />inflow (1/1), storm water, chemical dumping, unauthorized debris and cut roots, etc.); <br />(b) Require that sewers and connections be properly designed and constructed; <br />(c) Ensure access for maintenance, inspection, or repairs for portions of the lateral owned or <br />maintained by the Public Agency; <br />(d) Limit the discharge of fats, oils, and grease and other debris that may cause blockages, and <br />(e) Enforce any violation of its sewer ordinances. <br />The City maintains legal authority through codes, ordinances, and service agreements. The <br />statutory authority is established through California Government Code Section 38900-38902 and <br />Health and Safety Code Section 5470-5474.10 as well as the Charter of the City of San Leandro <br />and the City of San Leandro Municipal Code. Sections most relevant to the legal authority <br />regulating the sanitary sewer is included in the City's Municipal Code, Title 3 Health and Safety, <br />Chapter 3-14 Uniform Wastewater Discharge Regulations (UWDR), These sections regulate <br />source control over constituents entering into the sanitary sewer and enforce violations of <br />ordinances. The City's Environmental Services Section personnel regularly inspects businesses <br />large and small to ensure compliance with the City ordinance and works closely with Collection <br />crews to ensure that their independent efforts are coordinated. <br />Prevention of Illicit Discharges <br />The City's Municipal Code Ordinance No. 2001-05 (Sections 3-15-200 to 3-15-210) and <br />Ordinance No. 2014-020 (Sections 3-14-310 to 3-14-380) establishes specific prohibitions on <br />discharges. These prohibitions address materials which may cause obstructions of flow, toxic <br />pollutants, substances which will interfere with the wastewater treatment process or cause <br />violations to the NPDES permit or the receiving water quality standards. Included in these <br />sections are Limitations on Wastewater Strength; Interceptor Requirements, and Authority to <br />Require Pretreatment or Corrective Measures and Authority to Deny or Condition New, <br />Increased or Changed Discharges. Other sections of the UWDR provide for: Volume <br />Determination; Reports and Permits; Monitoring and Inspection; Wastewater Charges and Fees, <br />and Termination of Service. It requires all industrial waste dischargers to obtain a permit and <br />prohibits discharge in excess of the permit allowance. The permit issued may require <br />pretreatment or include other provisions for wastewater quality and quantity. <br />Page 112 <br />