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City of San Leandro <br />Sewer System Management Plan <br />Volume I <br />observations from CCTV inspections, root cutting is performed with chain flail attachments on <br />the jetters or with mechanical cutters. <br />Rehabilitation and Replacement Plan <br />The City has a proactive plan for the rehabilitation and replacement of the sewer system. This <br />plan uses the CCTV inspections performed by Collections Maintenance Workers to prioritize <br />repairs. See Section 8 for more details. <br />CCTV Inspections <br />The City maintains a comprehensive television inspection program. Sewer segments undergo <br />detailed video inspection for both structural and condition damage. The program provides for <br />televising the entire collection system a maximum of every seven years. Critical defects are <br />identified for spot repairs and deteriorated reaches for potential rehabilitation or replacement. A <br />future cleaning frequency can be determined for each pipe reach based on the results of the <br />inspections. In the future, some pipe reaches may need inspecting every 10 years. <br />Each CCTV video is viewed by a lead Collections System Maintenance Worker, and the pipe is <br />graded per standards outlined in the NASSCO Pipeline Assessment Certification Program <br />(PACP). Using the PACP Code Matrix, each PACP defect code is assigned a condition grade <br />from 1 to 5. Grades are assigned based on potential for further deterioration or pipe failure. Pipe <br />failure is defined as when the pipe can no longer convey the pipe design capacity. <br />Grades are assigned for two categories: Structural and O&M defects. Grades are as follows: <br />5 — Immediate Attention Defects requiring immediate attention <br />4 — Poor Severe defects that will become Grade 5 defects within the fore- <br />seeable future <br />3 — Fair Moderate defects that will continue to deteriorate <br />2 — Good Defects that have not begun to deteriorate <br />1 — Excellent Minor defects <br />The mechanisms and rates of pipeline deterioration are highly dependent on local conditions. <br />However the following general guidelines are provided to estimate the amount of time before the <br />defect causes complete line failure. These guidelines should be verified by actual research under <br />prevailing local conditions. <br />5 — Pipe has failed or will likely fail within the next five years <br />