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File Number: 22-021 <br />The existing ordinance applies to all tobacco retailers within the City, which includes any person who <br />sells electronic cigarettes, electronic cigarette products, electronic cigarette paraphernalia, tobacco <br />products, or tobacco paraphernalia. Prohibited activities include: <br />·The sale of tobacco or electronic cigarette products without a valid tobacco retailers license; <br />·Tobacco retailing via a self-service display; <br />·Tobacco retailing by an individual that is younger than 18; <br />·The non-sale distribution of tobacco and electronic cigarette products in a public place; <br />·The sale of cigars in a package at less than $7 per five cigars, except for the sale of single <br />cigars in excess of $5; <br />·The sale of flavored cigars; and <br />·The sale of flavored electronic cigarette products, whether such products contain nicotine or <br />not. <br />Licensing Provisions and Enforcement: <br />The ordinance requires that all tobacco retailers obtain a tobacco retailers license from the City. A <br />tobacco retailers license requires the payment of an annual fee in order to fund costs of administration <br />and enforcement of the ordinance, currently set at $500 per year. The fees obtained from tobacco <br />retailers fund a compliance monitoring program operated by the Police Department. If violations are <br />discovered, tobacco retailers are subject to the below penalties: <br />1. First Violation: Written warning and thirty days to cure the violation. <br />2. Second Violation: Licensee fined two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500) <br />3. Third Violation: License suspended for 20 days. <br />4. Fourth Violation: License revoked and license cannot be issued to retailer or the retail location <br />for three years. <br />In addition to administrative penalties, the ordinance permits criminal and civil enforcement by the City. <br />Status of Menthol Cigarette Sales in San Leandro <br />It is worth noting that the existing ordinance does not prohibit the sale of menthol cigarettes, which are <br />presently the only flavored tobacco product that may be sold in San Leandro. The rationale for this <br />carve-out for menthol cigarette sales is that at the time of adoption of the above-referenced ordinance in <br />2017, it was unclear whether local municipalities had the legal authority to ban the sale of menthol <br />cigarettes due to concerns that such a ban may have been pre-empted by federal regulations of <br />menthol cigarettes. However, since the time of adoption, the legal landscape has settled and it is now <br />clear that local municipalities do indeed have the authority to ban the sale of menthol cigarettes. <br />Following on an Agenda Item 14 referral request that was raised in 2020, the City Council Rules <br />Committee has hosted various discussions about the possibility of modifying local tobacco regulations <br />in San Leandro. <br />The following represents a summary of the related public meetings and discussions that took place <br />related to this topic: <br />October 27, 2020 Rules Committee Meeting: <br />Rules Committee directed staff to develop new regulations with the following provisions: <br />• Ban pharmacies from selling tobacco <br />• Require point-of-sale system at registers for Tobacco Retailer Licenses (TRLs) at new locations <br />only that requires entry of a birth date or scanning of a driver license <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 1/14/2022 <br />621
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