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BID SUMMARY BID OPENINGInstuform Technologies, LLC Valentine CorporationMitchell EngineeringDATE: December 7, 2021Date Approved:11/5/202117988 Edison Avenue111 Pelican Way1395 Evans AvenueTIME: 3:00 pmPrepared by:J. AbabaChesterfield, MO 63005 San Rafael, CA 94901 San Francisco, CA 94124LOCATION: City Clerk's OfficePhone: (636) 530-8000 Phone: (415) 453-3732 Phone: (415) 227-1040Fax: (636) 530-8701Fax: (415) 457-5820Fax: (415) 227-1046ITEMNO.ITEMUNIT COST ITEM COST UNIT COSTUNIT COSTUNIT COST1 All work shown on plans or specifications (except for Bid item 2)1 LS $575,600.00 $575,600.00 $766,485.00 $766,485.00 $1,077,369.00 $1,077,369.00 $1,155,000.00 $1,155,000.002 Sheeting, Shoring, and Bracing1 LS$29,400.00 $29,400.00 $40,570.00 $40,570.00 $120,000.00 $120,000.00 $50,000.00 $50,000.00TOTAL BASE BID:REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION:Agreement to be Bound*SUBCONTRACTORS:JMB Construction, Inc. Mission City RebarRain for RentSunbelt RentalsMurphy Industrial CoatingsTap Master, Inc.Ransome CompanyNOTES:Date:Jerome Ababa, Project ManagerDate:Austine Osakwe, Senior EngineerEffluent Line RehabilitationThis document is a summary of bids received for the subject project and are provided only as a convenience. Listing of a particular bid is not a finding that such bid has been found to be responsive or accepted as complete by the City. An award of contract, if any, is subject to approval of the City Council and/or the City Manager. Contractors should refer to the contract documents for bidding information. NONOYESYESNONO$1,197,369.00$1,205,000.00YESYESNONOYesNOInsituform Technologies, LLCPROJECT TITLE:PROJECT NO.:BID NO.:QUANTITYWater Pollution Control Plant 36" Secondary$807,055.00Calstate Pipeline, Inc. 2018.600020-21.007YES NO NONONONOBid BondITEM COSTITEM COST$605,000.00ENGINEER'S ESTIMATEITEM COSTReviewed by:Reviewed by:InsituformAddendum No. 4 not receivedSan Leandro Local BusinessAddenda #1-425 % ParticipationGood Faith EffortWPCP SE Line RehabilitationPage 1 of 1Printed 12/8/2021 @ 4:04 PM12/9/2174