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File Number: 21-779 <br />expanding the City’s Class IV network. <br />In addition to using this equipment on existing and future Class IV bikeways, it can be utilized by <br />PW staff in the Downtown Garage, as well as pedestrian pathways where a normal sweeper is <br />too large. <br />Analysis <br />Sourcewell is a municipal contracting agency that creates cooperative contract purchasing <br />solutions on behalf of over 50,000-member entities including government, education and <br />non-profit agencies nationwide. <br />Utilizing Sourcewell, staff procured a bid from Municipal Maintenance Equipment (MME) for a <br />new mini-sweeper. Public Works staff test-drove a couple of different models and ultimately <br />chose the Multihog C Series as the optimal vehicle for the intended use. This vehicle is <br />road-rated so it can be deployed Citywide without the need to trailer it to work locations. It has an <br />environmentally-friendly Tier IV diesel engine, and as with all City diesel equipment, will be fueled <br />with Neste’s renewable biofuel. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The purchase of this new vehicle will require a budget transfer between funds and Council <br />approval to complete. The budget transfer will be for the entire $178,692.81 from the Capital <br />Improvement Projects (F210) Fund “Street Overlay/Rehab 2020-2021” Account into the <br />Equipment Repair and Maintenance Account with a net neutral impact to the overall Adopted <br />Budget for FY2021-2022. <br />Budget Authority <br />This Equipment (F690) Fund project will cost $178,692.81, which requires an interfund transfer <br />within the FY2021-2022 Adopted Budget by the same amount ($178,692.81) from Account <br />210-38-419-5240 to Account 690-16-002-7510. To complete the transaction, this transfer will <br />also require a CIP Fund transfer out of $178,692.81 (Account 210-99-901-8410) and an <br />Equipment Fund increase (transfer in) to revenue account 690-3950 by $178,692.81. <br />While staff anticipate completing this vehicle purchase in this fiscal year, staff requests authority <br />to increase Fiscal Year 2022-2023 appropriations in Account 690-16-002-7510 by the exact <br />amount of any unspent funding for this project as determined by the Finance Department at fiscal <br />year end. <br />ATTACHMENT <br />Attachments to Staff Report <br />Equipment Quote <br />PREPARED BY: Debbie Pollart, Director, Public Works Department <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 1/14/2022 <br />78