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City of San Leandro <br />Sewer System Management Plan <br />Volume I <br /> <br />Page | 20 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />The City sets aside $1.5 million in the Water Pollution Control Division budget annually to <br />conduct point repairs and complete emergency repairs. <br />Manhole Inspections <br />Inspections conducted for manholes involve a visual assessment of the overall manhole condition <br />and observed deficiencies that could result in I/I. As part of the focused and cyclic cleaning <br />programs, City Collections staff visually inspects manholes for corrosion, debris or damage <br />around the base, cracks or holes, and condition of manhole steps. <br />Ratings applied to manhole investigations use the standards of the NASSCO Manhole Condition <br />Assessment Program (MCAP) for each of the manhole structure components including the rim <br />and lid, chimney/cone, bench and channel. Each component is rated as poor, fair, or good <br />condition as a gross determination of construction adequacy of the structure and its component <br />parts. <br />Detailed investigations of manhole condition follows at a time when a connecting line segment is <br />defined as a rehab project, and corrections needed to the manhole structure are then included as <br />part of the project work. <br />Pump Station Inspections and Assessment <br />Pump stations are inspected on a weekly basis. Weekly inspections include visual check of the <br />equipment, manual cycling of pumps, checking and cleaning floats, recording hour meter <br />readings, and cleaning off debris. <br />Pump stations are inspected extensively every year. Extensive maintenance includes cleaning out <br />of sump, and removing pumps for inspection and performing repairs if necessary. <br />107