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Packet 02072022
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4/1/2022 9:53:07 AM
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4/1/2022 9:52:56 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 22-057 <br />According to the 2020 census, the Citywide population is 91,008; making the target, or average, <br />district population 15,168 for each of the six Council districts. The attached chart shows the <br />Council district with the lowest population at 5.92% below the target, and the district with the <br />highest population at 3.26% above the target, while three of the other four districts are all within <br />2%. District 6 is 2.72% above the target. <br />If the Council desires bringing the population of the Council districts closer to the target, criteria <br />should be recommended for staff ’s use in developing redistricting proposals for consideration by <br />the full City Council. Staff suggests developing up to three redistricting proposals, based on the <br />approved criteria. <br />Criteria for Drawing District Boundaries <br />In determining the criteria to be used for drawing Council district boundaries, the Committee <br />should consider first and foremost San Leandro City Charter Section 230. <br />“The boundaries of Council Member districts shall be the boundaries existing upon the effective <br />date of this Charter, until changed by ordinance of the Council. Within one year after publication of <br />the results of each federal census, and within one year after a determination that the population of <br />the City has changed by five percent or more since the most recent division of the City into <br />districts, the Council by ordinance shall divide the City into six districts numbered one through six . <br />Each district shall consist of geographically compact contiguous territory and shall contain, as <br />nearly as possible, equal numbers of residents. District boundaries shall approximate election <br />precinct boundaries established by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Alameda. No <br />change in district boundaries shall operate to disqualify an incumbent from office before the <br />expiration of the term for which such person was elected or appointed. <br />2011 Redistricting Criteria <br />The City last adjusted its Council district boundaries in 2011, following the release of the 2010 <br />federal census data. On June 23, 2011, the City Council Rules & Communications Committee <br />reviewed criteria for setting of the Council district boundaries, and recommended the following <br />criteria for drawing new districts: <br />Population of districts as equal as possible within a 5% variance between districts <br />Respect neighborhood boundaries; <br />Respect school district boundaries; <br />Use natural and man-made boundaries as borders; <br />Keep new districts as similar to old districts as possible; <br />Consider the historic configuration of the neighborhoods. <br />Consider the topography, geography, cohesiveness, contiguity, integrity, and compactness of <br />territory; and <br />Consider communities of interest of the districts. <br />This criteria is similar to Cal. Elections Code section 21621(c). However, the City Council cannot <br />consider this past criteria or Cal. Elections Code section 21621(c) criteria, because pursuant to <br />California Elections Code section 21621(e): <br />Subdivision (c) does not apply to a charter city that has adopted comprehensive or exclusive <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/3/2022
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