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Strategy <br />  <br />page 5 of 9 <br />Stage One: In collaboration with architectural consultant, create 2-3 alternatives to bring to the <br />community stakeholders, based on input from STAKEHOLDERS <br />Activities <br />1. Consult STAKEHOLDERS  <br />2. Present findings with alternatives from the initial discovery process to the community through <br />the public hearing process. <br />Stage Two: Following feedback from the STAKEHOLDERS, establish three design alternatives. All <br />three alternatives must pass a feasibility metric directive from the Public Works Department. <br />Activities <br />1. Establish action/design alternatives. <br />2. Design alternatives will include the ambitions of the park based on due diligence, community <br />input, Taylor memorialization and sanctity of life considerations. <br />3. Present findings with alternatives from the initial discovery process to the community through <br />the public hearing process. <br />Stage Three: Bring the park plan alternatives to a robust group of constituencies identified as the <br />Community Park Work Group to reach consensus around a preferred alternative, understanding that <br />there may be a hybrid of alternatives. <br />Seed will facilitate the Community Work Group which Will consist of community stakeholders. The <br />Community Work Group will serve as the hierarchy body that will delineate the merits of the various <br />park proposals and help prioritize the final proposals for consideration. <br />1. Stage Four; Finalize three park options for presentation to the City Manager and the City <br />Council for consideration. Identify priority recommendation for architectural rendering for final <br />consideration and approval by the City Council.   <br />Activities <br />1. Complete architectural rendering of recommended park design <br />2. Presentation by project architect. <br />