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3.Work; Inspections; Fees. The City Engineer or his designee shall inspect all of the <br />improvements made pursuant hereto to determine that they comply with all City regulations. Concurrently <br />with the execution of this agreement,the Owner shall deposit with the City the sum of Fifty Thousand and <br />Zero/100 DOLLARS ($50,000 No/100) to cover the cost of design review and inspection of the <br />improvements. Owner hereby agrees to increase the amount of the deposit to pay City the actual cost of <br />inspection if such costs should exceed the original deposit. <br />4.Modification for Unforeseeable Circumstances. Owner reserves the right to modify said <br />plans and specifications as the development progresses should unforeseen conditions occur, providing <br />written approval is first obtained from the City Engineer. The City shall bear no responsibility whatsoever <br />for work performed and rejected by the City Engineer. City reserves the right to make reasonable <br />modifications to the plans and specifications whenever field conditions and/or public safety require such <br />modifications. Owner shall pay City for all costs incurred in plan checking and inspection resulting from <br />said modifications. <br />5.Work; Time for Commencement and Performance. City hereby fixes the time for the <br />commencement of the required work to be on or before the <br />1st day of November 2014, and for its <br />completion to be on the <br />1st day of July 2016. At least 15 calendar days prior to the commencement of work <br />hereunder, Owner shall notify the City Engineer in writing of the date fixed by Owner for commencement <br />thereof, in order that the City Engineer shall be able to provide services for inspection. <br />6.Location of Construction Yard. Owner agrees to locate any construction yard for the <br />storage of equipment, vehicles, supplies and materials, or the preparation or fabrication thereof, to be used <br />in connection with the installation of improvements for said project or the construction of buildings therein, <br />in such a manner so as to cause a minimum of inconvenience to persons living in the areas immediately <br />adjacent to said project, including installation of appropriate fencing and screening, and to obtain the <br />approval of the City Engineer as to the proposed location and standards of maintenance of the yard. <br />Immediately upon completion of the improvements to be constructed to which this agreement refers,Owner <br />STANDARD PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT Page 2 of 13 <br />Draft 1-1/29/2014;SL 4/23/2014