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9J Consent
City Clerk
City Council
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Packet 02072022
9J Consent
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Last modified
4/1/2022 9:53:57 AM
Creation date
4/1/2022 9:53:41 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Immediately upon completion of the improvements to be constructed to which this agreement refers,Owner <br />agrees to cease using the construction yard, clear the site and restore it to its original condition, and to <br />remove therefrom all supplies,materials,equipment, or vehicles being stored or kept thereon. Owner agrees <br />not to use the construction yard in connection with the installation of improvements or construction of <br />buildings elsewhere. City may extend the time within which the construction yard may be used or within <br />which supplies, materials, equipment or vehicles may be stored or kept thereon if City shall determine that <br />the granting of such extension will not be detrimental to the public welfare. No extension will be made <br />except on the basis of a written application made by Owner to the City Engineer stating fully the grounds <br />and facts relied upon for such extension. <br />7.Rights-of-Way Free From Obstruction. Owner agrees to keep and maintain all areas <br />within the improved or partially improved public streets or public rights-of-way contiguous and adjacent to <br />and within the hereinabove referred to Property, including streets being constructed and/or improved <br />pursuant to this agreement, free and clear of all building materials, dirt, mud, sand, gravel, rocks, bricks, <br />stones, shingles, roofing material, lumber, tool sheds, construction buildings and other similar items at all <br />times during the improvement and construction of the improvement and all buildings and other structures <br />within said project. <br />8.Extension. The dates for commencement and completion of the work of construction may <br />be extended as herein provided. The City Engineer shall extend said dates for delays in said work actually <br />caused by riots, strikes, lockouts, fires,earthquakes,flood and conditions resulting therefrom. Extension of <br />said dates for any other cause shall be made only by the City Engineer. The City Engineer shall be the sole <br />and final judge as to whether good cause has been shown to entitle Owner to an extension. Any extension <br />granted pursuant to this paragraph shall not obligate City in any manner to grant other requests for <br />extension. <br />9.Request for Extension.,Granting.Any request for extension of any commencement and <br />completion date shall be in writing, shall fully state the facts and grounds relied upon for said extension,and <br />STANDARD PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT Page 3 of 13 <br />Draft 1-1/29/2014;SL 4/23/2014
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