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Packet 02072022
9L Consent
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4/1/2022 9:53:58 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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City of San Leandro <br />The investment goals of the City of San Leandro are to preserve principal, to provide liquidity, and to attain a rate of return <br />commensurate with the City's investment risk constraints and cash flow needs. Furthermore, the City is able to meet its cash <br />obligations during the next six-month period. <br />In order to achieve these objectives, the City of San Leandro invests in US Treasury securities, federal agency securities, high <br />quality money market instruments and high quality corporate medium term notes in accordance with the City's investment <br />policy and California Government Code Section 53600 et seq. <br />Strategy <br />Investment Report Performance Objectives <br />The performance objective for the City of San Leandro’s portfolio managed by Chandler is to attain a rate of return greater <br />than the benchmark 1-3 Year Treasury/Agency securities over a market cycle. <br />1 <br />The City of San Leandro is able to meet its pool’s expenditure requirement for the next six months. <br />Category Standard Comment <br />Treasury Issues No limitations Complies <br />Agency Issues No limitations Complies <br />Supranationals "AA" rated or higher by a NRSRO; 30% maximum; 10% max per issuer; Unsubordinated obligations issued by by <br />IBRD, IFC or IADB only Complies <br />Municipal Securities Issued by City of San Leandro and its Agencies Complies <br />Banker’s Acceptances "A" or highest money market rating by a NRSRO, such as S&P or Moody's; 40% maximum; 30% per issuer; 180 days <br />max maturity Complies <br />Commercial Paper <br />Highest rating by a NRSRO; Issuer must be a domestic corporation having assets in excess of $500 million and A-1 <br />and P-1 rated or better by S&P and Moody's for its debt other than commercial paper; 25% maximum; 10% max of <br />the outstanding commercial paper of any single issuer; 270 days max maturity <br />Complies <br />Negotiable Certificates of Deposit <br />(including CDARS)30% maximum (including CDARS); FDIC Insured or Collateralized 110%Complies <br />Time Deposits (TD)/ Certificates of <br />Deposit (CD)FDIC Insured or Collateralized 110%Complies <br />Medium Term Corp Notes "A" rated or better by a NRSRO; 30% maximum; Issuers must be corporations organized and operating within the <br />U.S. or depository institutions licensed by the U.S., or operating within the U.S.Complies <br />Money Market Mutual Funds Highest rating by two NRSROs or SEC registered adviser with assets greater than $500 million; 20% maximum Complies <br />Asset Backed Securities, Mortgage <br />Backed,Pass-Through Securities, <br />Collateralized Mortgage Obligations <br />"AA" rated or higher by a NRSRO; 20% maximum; 5% per single Asset-Backed or Commercial Mortgage issuer; <br />There is no issuer limitation on any Mortgage security where the issuer is US Treasury or a Federal <br />Agency/Government-sponsored Enterprise (GSE). <br />Complies <br />Repurchase Agreements 20% maximum; 360 days max maturity; 102% collateralized; Not used by IA Complies <br />Reverse Repurchase Agreements 20% maximum; 92 days max maturity; Not used by IA Complies <br />Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF)Maximum program limit; Not used by IA Complies <br />Social Responsibility The investment policy prohibits investing in an entity that received a significant portion of their revenues from the <br />gun manufacturing, fossil fuel production, private prisons, and tobacco producers Complies <br />Maximum Maturity 5 years Complies <br />City of San Leandro <br />Assets managed by Chandler Asset Management are in full compliance with state law and with the Client’s investment policy.
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