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File Number: 22-060 <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City of San Leandro City Council RESOLVES as follows: <br />1.The above recitals are true and correct, and incorporated into this Resolution. <br />2.In compliance with AB 361 (2021), and in order to continue to conduct teleconference <br />meetings without complying with the usual teleconference meeting requirements of the Brown Act, <br />the City Council makes the following findings: <br />a)The City Council has considered the circumstances of the state of emergency; and <br />b)The state of emergency, as declared by the Governor, and the local emergency <br />proclaimed by the Director of Emergency Services and ratified by the City Council, <br />continues to directly impact the ability of the City Council and the City’s legislative bodies, <br />as well as staff and members of the public, from meeting safely in person; and <br />c)The CDC and the Alameda County Department of Public Health continue to recommend <br />physical distancing of at least six feet due to COVID-19 and as a result of the presence of <br />COVID-19 and the Delta and Omicron variants, meeting in person would present imminent <br />risks to the health or safety of attendees, the legislative bodies and staff. <br />3.City Council and the City’s legislative bodies may continue to meet remotely in <br />compliance with AB 361, in order to better ensure the health and safety of the public and <br />staff. <br />4.The City Council will revisit the need to conduct meetings remotely within 30 days of the <br />adoption of this resolution. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 2/3/2022