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File Number: 22-165 <br />Enterprise, Internal Service Funds, and Parking Fund <br />Four Enterprise Funds make up the City's business-type operations. The Water Pollution Control <br />Plant Fund, the Environmental Services Fund, the Shoreline Enterprise Fund, and the Storm <br />Water Fund are City municipal operations designed to fully recover costs through user fees. <br />Internal Service Funds also operate as business activities, exclusively supporting the City's <br />internal operations. Facilities Maintenance, Information Technology, Insurance Services, and <br />Equipment Maintenance comprise the Internal Service Funds. <br />The Parking Fund provides for parking meter and parking lot operations and maintenance at the <br />Downtown Parking Structure. <br />·Shoreline Enterprise Expenditures-(30% of budget compared to 9% in 2020-2021). Actual <br />Shoreline Enterprise expenditures (and revenues) increased related to a significant <br />increase in play at the Monarch Bay golf courses and transition to the golf management <br />agreement. <br />·Insurance Services, Expenditures-(85% of budget compared to 41% in 2020-2021). <br />Insurance Services impacted by higher general liability and workers compensation <br />insurance premiums. <br />·Parking Revenue-(28% of budget compared to 18% in 2020-21). Parking revenues continue <br />to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Current year revenues are expected to be <br />lower than budgeted. The proposed budget amendment decreases appropriations for <br />parking revenues and reflects a $550,000 contribution from the General Fund to support <br />the program. <br />DISCUSSION-Budget Amendment <br />Analysis <br />The City Council approves annual budgets based on the best revenue and expenditure data <br />available prior to adoption of the budget appropriations. As a result, budget adjustments are <br />periodically necessary for changes that arise requiring changes in revenue or expenditure budget <br />appropriations or re-appropriations between budget line items. <br />Overall, the financial outlook is positive. General Fund revenues are expected to be higher than <br />originally budgeted, mainly due to projected increases in sales tax and real property transfer tax <br />revenues. General Fund expenditures are expected to be lower than originally budgeted, <br />primarily due to vacancy savings, less recreation programming, and reclassification of <br />expenditures to the newly established American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Fund. <br />While revenue decreased in some line-items, overall revenues have increased. The total <br />proposed budget amendment for General Fund revenue appropriations amounts to $4,464,100. <br />The appropriation amendment decreases expenditures by a total of $2,632,600. Based on this <br />mid-year budget adjustment, amended revenues are projected less than expenditures by <br />$3,536,000. <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/9/2022