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File Number: 22-165 <br />This General Fund budget amendment reflects one-time contributions to pay down unfunded <br />pension liability, including $3,000,000 to CalPERS and $608,500 to the PARS/Pension Trust. <br />The proposed contribution to CalPERS is expected to generate approximately $4,300,000 in <br />interest savings over time. The projected investment return for the Pension Trust is 5.89%. <br />These proposed contributions are consistent with the City’s Prioritization of Unfunded Liability <br />Liquidation (PULL) Plan in which up to 50% of General Fund land sales and up to 50% of General <br />Fund surplus can go towards funding unfunded liabilities. In the prior fiscal year, the City <br />generated approximately $1,200,000 from the sale of property and achieved positive financial <br />results. <br />This General Fund budget amendment also includes funding to support capital projects including <br />the street maintenance program. The proposed contributions amount to $4,917,800, which is the <br />same amount that was transferred to the General Fund from the Capital Project Fund in fiscal <br />year 2020-2021 in anticipation of the COVID-19 impact to the budget. <br />Proposed budget adjustments to other funds are based on projected revenue trends and <br />expected program activities (Enterprise Funds, Internal Service Funds, Gas Tax Fund, Parking <br />Fund, etc.). Adjustments also reflect reclassifications between street related projects to ensure <br />sufficient funds are in place to support the overall street maintenance program. <br />Attachment 2 (Tables 1, 2, and 3), included with the staff report/resolution, details proposed <br />revenue and expenditure appropriation amendments to the 2021-2022 budget. A summary of the <br />proposed budget adjustments is also provided for reference (Attachment 1). <br />The following is a summary of the major adjustments. <br />Amended General Fund Revenue Appropriations <br />Taxes <br />Sales and Use Tax (010-3201)2,109,000 <br />Transaction/Use Tax (010-3227)476,100 <br />Property Transfer Tax (010-3203)2,000,000 <br />Charges for Services <br />Recreation programs (010-3751--010-3770)(614,000) <br />Amended General Fund Expenditure Appropriations <br />Non-Departmental <br />Vacancy Saving (010-14-002-4301)3,900,000 <br />CalPERS funding (010-14-002-5190)3,000,000 <br />PARS FUNDING (010-14-002-5190)608,500 <br />Transfers (010-99-901-8410) <br />To Capital Project Fund 3,217,800 <br />To Gas Tax 1,700,000 <br />Capital Project Fund (5,675,000) <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/9/2022