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7A Presentations (SM to ADJ)
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File Number: 22-102 <br />private development. <br />The Planned Development Project would also allow for a reduction in the amount of private <br />storage for each unit. The RM1800 District standard is for 250 cubic feet of storage per unit. The <br />project is proposing to provide 58 storage lockers that would be available to tenants seeking <br />additional storage area. <br />Parking and Site Improvements <br />A five-story parking garage is proposed within the structure for tenants. The proposal includes <br />435 spaces (405 on-site and 30 on-street). The applicant is preparing a Traffic Demand <br />Management (TDM) plan as part of this proposal, which will help offset the reduced automobile <br />parking. A total of 132 bicycle parking spaces are proposed, including 124 indoor bike racks and <br />8 outdoor spaces. Landscaping of the entire site, including a landscaped courtyard area, is <br />proposed, consistent with the requirements of Zoning Code Section 2.04.360, which requires <br />landscaping/planting for multi-family residential projects. <br />Single-Family / Townhomes <br />The proposed Monarch Bay Homes will be located on approximately 16 gross acres east of <br />Monarch Bay Drive zoned RM-2000(PD) and will consist of 144 detached single-family homes <br />and 62 townhome style condominiums. This Planned Development Project will include two- and <br />three-story single-family homes and three-story townhomes that utilize roof decks, where <br />appropriate, to create varied form and provide for additional private open space. Attachment 4 <br />contains a summary of the single-family and townhome plans along with an illustrative site plan, <br />sample street scene elevations, and floor plans. <br />Single-Family Homes <br />The proposed single-family neighborhood would consist of five distinct single-family home plans <br />that are uniquely designed for their particular location on the site. The detached single-family <br />homes would range from 3-4 bedrooms with 2.5-3 bathrooms. Plans 3 and 5, which are typically <br />located along the edges of the site, have been designed to maximize views for future <br />homeowners and to provide articulated elevations along the public-facing edges of the <br />development. Plan 1 would typically be located along the internal street with the front door facing <br />the street and Plans 2 and 4 provide variety for the future homebuyers and would add variety to <br />the interior street scene within the development. Plans 1, 3 and 5 include an optional roof deck <br />with an overall maximum height of 35 feet, with an eave at 30 feet above grade for ground ladder <br />access by the Fire Department. The two-story homes will measure approximately 28 feet <br />maximum in height. Each of the five single-family floor plans will offer 2 or 3 exterior elevation <br />options. Additional variation will be provided through 12 distinct color schemes that are still in <br />development. <br />The architectural style of the single-family homes and townhomes is contemporary with clean lines <br />and finishes, including stucco façades, with the introduction of stone veneer and cementitious <br />siding to add variety and texture. <br />Page 6 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/9/2022
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