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7A Presentations (SM to ADJ)
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CM City Clerk-City Council
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File Number: 22-102 <br />The project further supports the goal of a greener, healthier city via the enhancement of the public <br />right of way, which will be accomplished by adding street trees and green spaces, and by <br />providing much needed funding to enhance open spaces. Additionally, the landscaping in the <br />Single Family/ Townhome area is planned to utilize recycled water (purple pipe). <br />Sea Level Rise <br />The private development projects and adjacent City park components are being designed to <br />address projected sea level rise, including raising the site several feet and planning for future <br />adaptation options. The proposed new buildings are all located outside of the 100’-wide San <br />Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) jurisdictional boundary; <br />however, the park and exterior portions of the private hotel, restaurants, and multi-family <br />apartments will be subject to BCDC review. A Preliminary Sea Level Rise Exhibit is included as <br />Attachment 7 that shows the planned minimum design elevations for the project. The exhibit <br />shows a number of elevations for both the proposed development (Finish Floor) as well as <br />proposed minimum elevations for the surrounding park and public areas. The site elevations are <br />presented in two ways, representing two different benchmarks (datum). <br /> <br />1.NGVD 29: represents the benchmark used in the planning entitlement drawings <br />2.NAVD 88: represents the benchmark used by FEMA/BCDC <br />The proposed minimum elevations were determined by using the current FEMA base flood <br />elevations and adding the 2070 projected sea level rise for high emissions based on the State of <br />California Sea-Level Rise Guidance. <br />Construction Practices <br />During construction, numerous mitigations will be employed to minizine the impacts of <br />construction to the environment and the community, including reduced emission trucks and <br />machinery, dust control measures, air quality monitoring, noise reduction plans, and many other <br />enhanced construction-related protocols, all managed by a publicly available on-site manager to <br />efficiently deal with any related concerns. <br />Transportation Demand Management <br />As required by Mitigation Measure TRAF-2A and TRAF-2B.2, the applicant is working with a <br />qualified traffic consultant to prepare a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program. <br />The project is required to provide a shuttle service that operates between the Project site and key <br />locations such as San Leandro and Coliseum BART stations and Oakland International Airport. <br />Based on the mix of land uses and a review of existing TDM programs in Alameda County and <br />the City of San Leandro, the following additional TDM measures are also being considered: <br />·Carpooling (traditional, dynamic, Uber/Lyft pool) <br />·Vanpooling (Enterprise/MTC, owner-operated) <br />·Guaranteed Ride Home - provides commuters who regularly (twice a week) carpool, <br />vanpool, bike, walk or take transit to work a free and reliable ride home when needed <br />·Car Share program <br />·Bike Share and/or Scooter Share Program <br />·Bike Lockers <br />Page 9 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/9/2022
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