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File Number: 22-119 <br />to affordable housing, anti-poverty strategies, and addressing homelessness. The City’s CDBG <br />entitlement grant from HUD for FY 2022-2023 is estimated to be $750,000. There was no <br />Program Income received in the FY 2021-2022. The City also projects its pro-rata share of <br />HOME funds to be estimated at $250,000 from the Consortium. Additionally, there is $331,319 in <br />funds that will be carried over from the prior year’s HOME fund unspent allocation. <br />The proposed CDBG-funded activities in the FY 2022-2023 Annual Action Plan fall into the <br />following eligible categories: Public Services, Public Facilities, Housing Activities, and General <br />Administration. <br />In accordance with HUD regulations, the City may not commit more than 15% (or approximately <br />$112,500) of its annual CDBG allocation (including program income) toward Public Services. The <br />City issued a Community Assistance Program Grant (CAP) & CDBG Request for Funding/Grant <br />Application in March 2021 to award two-year grants for FY 2021-2022 and FY 2022-2023. At its <br />April 28, 2021 meeting, the City’s Human Services Commission (HSC) reviewed the applications <br />for both the City’s Community Assistance Program (CAP) and CDBG-funded Public Services for <br />FY 2021-2023. For CDBG-funded Public Services, staff recommended four agencies to the <br />HSC. All four of these agencies had received funding in the prior two fiscal years, met their <br />contractual obligations to the City with high performance outcomes, and served priority needs <br />under the City’s HUD Five Year Consolidated Plan and City Services Gap Analysis. These four <br />agencies continue to meet these contractual obligations and are recommended to continue <br />receiving a CDBG allocation in FY 2022-2023. The proposed Public Service grant recipients are: <br />CALICO (Child Abuse, Listening, Interviewing, and Coordination), Davis Street Family Resource <br />Center; Service Opportunities for Seniors (SOS); and Spectrum Community Services, Inc. <br />For Public Facilities, the City proposes to allocate $173,257 to HUD for principal/interest <br />payments for the City’s outstanding $2.5 million HUD Section 108 loan, which helped finance <br />construction of the City’s Senior Community Center. In addition, staff proposes allocating <br />approximately $300,000 for a proposed acquisition of a Homeless Navigation Center. <br />For Housing Activities, staff recommends providing $150,000 of CDBG funds to continue funding <br />the City’s Single-Family Housing Rehabilitation Grant Program, which provides minor repair <br />grants to extremely low- and very low-income San Leandro homeowners. <br />Administrative funding for FY 2022-2023 will be approximately $150,000, which conforms to the <br />HUD-regulated 20% spending cap on general administration costs and expenses. Staff <br />recommends allocating $140,000 to City staffing for CDBG program administration and $10,000 <br />in CDBG funds to ECHO Housing’s Fair Housing services. Fair Housing services are federally <br />mandated, and ECHO Housing assists the City in meeting HUD requirements to advance fair <br />housing. <br />The City proposes to use available HOME funds for tenant-based rental assistance for clients of <br />the proposed Homeless Navigation Center. The City’s HOME allocation for FY 2022-2023 and <br />funds leftover from prior FYs are estimated to be approximately $550,000. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />Current City Council Policy is defined by the FY 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan, adopted by <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/16/2022