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City of San Leandro <br />Meeting Date: March 21, 2022 <br />Resolution - Council <br />Agenda Section:File Number:22-142 ACTION ITEMS <br />Agenda Number: <br />TO:City Council <br />FROM:Fran Robustelli <br />City Manager <br />BY:Sheila Marquises <br />Acting Engineering & Transportation Director <br />FINANCE REVIEW:Not Applicable <br />TITLE:RESOLUTION of the City of San Leandro City Council to Adopt a Vision Zero <br />Traffic Safety Policy <br />WHEREAS, according to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, <br />each year approximately 40,000 people are killed in traffic collisions in the United States; and <br />WHEREAS, between 2014 and 2018, traffic collisions on streets and highways in San <br />Leandro killed 15 people and gave life-altering injuries to 67 people; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council and departmental leadership are dedicated to strategies that <br />aim to eliminate deaths and reduce serious injuries on City streets; and <br />WHEREAS, seniors, children, people of color, people with disabilities, people in <br />low-income communities, people walking, and people bicycling face a disproportionate risk of <br />traffic injuries and fatalities; and <br />WHEREAS, Vision Zero is a public health-based traffic safety strategy to reduce and <br />eventually eliminate traffic deaths and serious injuries using a data-driven, multi-disciplinary, and <br />safe systems approach that also increases healthy, sustainable, and equitable mobility for all; and <br />WHEREAS, if Vision Zero is the transportation safety goal, Safe System is the <br />implementation strategy that will allow cities nationwide to affect change; and <br />WHEREAS, Vision Zero recognizes that while human error will always occur, a <br />combination of engineering, education, and enforcement measures can reduce collisions and can <br />prevent collisions from causing death or severe injuries; and <br />WHEREAS, the National Roadway Safety Strategy and the California Strategic Highways <br />Safety Plan offer strategies to get to zero fatal and severe injuries through creating a safety <br />Page 1 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/16/2022