<br />________________
<br />©2019 AIR CRE.All Rights Reserved.Last Edited:3/8/2022 9:08 AM
<br />OFA-20.20,Revised 10-22-2020 Page 5 of 11
<br />referred to in paragraph 3.2 hereof.Likewise if Seller is to carry back a Purchase Money Note then Seller shall within 10 or days following the Date of
<br />Agreement provide Buyer with a copy of the proposed Purchase Money Note and Purchase Money Deed of Trust.Buyer has 10 or days following the
<br />receipt of such documents to saƟsfy itself with regard to the form and content thereof.
<br />(m)Personal Property.In the event that any personal property is included in the Purchase Price,Buyer has 10 or by July 30,2022 days
<br />following the Date of Agreement to saƟsfy itself with regard to the Ɵtle condiƟon of such personal property.Seller recommends that Buyer obtain a UCC-1 report.
<br />Any such report shall be paid for by Buyer.Seller shall provide Buyer copies of any liens or encumbrances affecƟng such personal property that it is aware of within 10
<br />or by July 30,2022 days following the Date of Agreement.
<br />(n)DestrucƟon,Damage or Loss.Subsequent to the Date of Agreement and prior to Closing there shall not have occurred a destrucƟon of,or damage or
<br />loss to,the Property or any porƟon thereof,from any cause whatsoever,which would cost more than $10,000.00 to repair or cure.If the cost of repair or cure is
<br />$10,000.00 or less,Seller shall repair or cure the loss prior to the Closing.Buyer shall have the opƟon,within 10 days aŌer receipt of wriƩen noƟce of a loss cosƟng
<br />more than $10,000.00 to repair or cure,to either terminate this Agreement or to purchase the Property notwithstanding such loss,but without deducƟon or offset
<br />against the Purchase Price.If the cost to repair or cure is more than $10,000.00,and Buyer does not elect to terminate this Agreement,Buyer shall be enƟtled to any
<br />insurance proceeds applicable to such loss.Unless otherwise noƟfied in wriƟng,Escrow Holder shall assume no such destrucƟon,damage or loss has occurred prior
<br />to Closing.
<br />(o)Material Change.Buyer shall have 10 days following receipt of wriƩen noƟce of a Material Change within which to saƟsfy itself with regard to such
<br />change."Material Change"shall mean a substanƟal adverse change in the use,occupancy,tenants,Ɵtle,or condiƟon of the Property that occurs aŌer the date of this
<br />offer and prior to the Closing.Unless otherwise noƟfied in wriƟng,Escrow Holder shall assume that no Material Change has occurred prior to the Closing.
<br />(p)Seller Performance.The delivery of all documents and the due performance by Seller of each and every undertaking and agreement to be performed
<br />by Seller under this Agreement.
<br />(q)Brokerage Fee.Payment at the Closing of such brokerage fee as is specified in this Agreement or later wriƩen instrucƟons to Escrow Holder executed
<br />by Seller and Brokers ("Brokerage Fee").It is agreed by the ParƟes and Escrow Holder that Brokers are a third party beneficiary of this Agreement insofar as the
<br />Brokerage Fee is concerned,and that no change shall be made with respect to the payment of the Brokerage Fee specified in this Agreement,without the wriƩen
<br />consent of Brokers.
<br />(r)Buyer has received notice of approval of a grant of funds from the California Department of Housing and Community Development
<br />Project Homekey program to be used for the acquisition of the Property.
<br />(s)All of Seller’s representations and warranties contained herein are true and correct as of the close of escrow.
<br />(t)All acts to be performed by Seller prior to close of escrow shall have been performed,and Seller is not in default of this Agreement as of
<br />the close of escrow.
<br />(u)Seller has removed all waste and debris from the Property prior to the close of escrow.
<br />(v)There shall be no litigation or administrative proceeding pending with respect to the Property as of the close of escrow,nor any moratoria
<br />which would adversely impact the development,use or value of the Property
<br />9.2 All of the conƟngencies specified in subparagraphs (a)through (m)of paragraph 9.1 are for the benefit of,and may be waived by,Buyer,and may be
<br />elsewhere herein referred to as "Buyer's ConƟngencies."
<br />9.3 If any of Buyer's ConƟngencies or any other maƩer subject to Buyer's approval is disapproved as provided for herein in a Ɵmely manner ("Disapproved
<br />Item"),Seller shall have the right within 10 days following the receipt of noƟce of Buyer's disapproval to elect to cure such Disapproved Item prior to the Expected
<br />Closing Date ("Seller's ElecƟon").Seller's failure to give to Buyer within such period,wriƩen noƟce of Seller's commitment to cure such Disapproved Item on or
<br />before the Expected Closing Date shall be conclusively presumed to be Seller's ElecƟon not to cure such Disapproved Item.If Seller elects,either by wriƩen noƟce or
<br />failure to give wriƩen noƟce,not to cure a Disapproved Item,Buyer shall have the right,within 10 days aŌer Seller's ElecƟon to either accept Ɵtle to the Property
<br />subject to such Disapproved Item,or to terminate this Agreement.Buyer's failure to noƟfy Seller in wriƟng of Buyer's elecƟon to accept Ɵtle to the Property subject
<br />to the Disapproved Item without deducƟon or offset shall consƟtute Buyer's elecƟon to terminate this Agreement.The above Ɵme periods only apply once for each
<br />Disapproved Item.Unless expressly provided otherwise herein,Seller's right to cure shall not apply to the remediaƟon of Hazardous Substance CondiƟons or to the
<br />Financing ConƟngency.Unless the ParƟes mutually instruct otherwise,if the Ɵme periods for the saƟsfacƟon of conƟngencies or for Seller's and Buyer's elecƟons
<br />would expire on a date aŌer the Expected Closing Date,the Expected Closing Date shall be deemed extended for 3 business days following the expiraƟon of:(a)the
<br />applicable conƟngency period(s),(b)the period within which the Seller may elect to cure the Disapproved Item,or (c)if Seller elects not to cure,the period within
<br />which Buyer may elect to proceed with this transacƟon,whichever is later.
<br />9.4 The ParƟes acknowledge that extensive local,state and Federal legislaƟon establish broad liability upon owners and/or users of real property for the
<br />invesƟgaƟon and remediaƟon of Hazardous Substances.The determinaƟon of the existence of a Hazardous Substance CondiƟon and the evaluaƟon of the impact of
<br />such a condiƟon are highly technical and beyond the experƟse of Brokers.The ParƟes acknowledge that they have been advised by Brokers to consult their own
<br />technical and legal experts with respect to the possible presence of Hazardous Substances on the Property or adjoining properƟes,and Buyer and Seller are not
<br />relying upon any invesƟgaƟon by or statement of Brokers with respect thereto.The ParƟes hereby assume all responsibility for the impact of such Hazardous
<br />Substances upon their respecƟve interests herein.
<br />10.Documents and Other Items Required at or Before Closing.
<br />10.1 Five days prior to the Closing date Escrow Holder shall obtain an updated Title Commitment concerning the Property from the Title Company and provide
<br />copies thereof to each of the ParƟes.
<br />10.2 Seller shall deliver to Escrow Holder in Ɵme for delivery to Buyer at the Closing:
<br />(a)Grant or general warranty deed,duly executed and in recordable form,conveying fee Ɵtle to the Property to Buyer.
<br />(b)If applicable,the Beneficiary Statements concerning ExisƟng Note(s).
<br />(c)If applicable,the ExisƟng Leases and Other Agreements together with duly executed assignments thereof by Seller and Buyer.The assignment of
<br />ExisƟng Leases shall be on the most recent Assignment and AssumpƟon of Lessor's Interest in Lease form published by the AIR or its equivalent.
<br />(d)An affidavit executed by Seller to the effect that Seller is not a "foreign person"within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code SecƟon 1445 or
<br />successor statutes.If Seller does not provide such affidavit in form reasonably saƟsfactory to Buyer at least 3 business days prior to the Closing,Escrow Holder shall at
<br />the Closing deduct from Seller's proceeds and remit to the Internal Revenue Service such sum as is required by applicable Federal law with respect to purchases from
<br />foreign sellers.
<br />(e)If the Property is located in California,an affidavit executed by Seller to the effect that Seller is not a ''nonresident"within the meaning of California
<br />Revenue and Tax Code SecƟon 18662 or successor statutes.If Seller does not provide such affidavit in form reasonably saƟsfactory to Buyer at least 3 business days