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File Number: 22-122 <br />financial assistance. Therefore, the City is in the process of contracting with an experienced <br />relocation consulting firm to administer proper noticing, interviews, relocation payments and <br />technical assistance, if applicable and/or necessary. If relocation payments need to be made to <br />eligible motel clients, City staff will publicly seek City Council approval on how much additional <br />relocation funding assistance is needed for eligible motel guests. <br />State Project Homekey funding is critical and essential for the City to purchase the Property, <br />operate it immediately as a short-term navigation center/shelter, and convert it to long-term <br />permanent supportive housing. City, BFWC and Eden Housing staff are currently assessing 1) <br />rehabilitation, operating, and supportive services costs related to the navigation center, 2) <br />appropriate City match amount for Project Homekey and 3) total Project Homekey funding that <br />the City is eligible for. Project Homekey will provide capital (acquisition, rehabilitation, <br />construction) and operations/services grant funding to an approved project. <br />The City Council has approved the following funds for the navigation center to date: $750,000 in <br />federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds for acquisition and $1.6 million in General <br />Funds for operations/services in the Adopted FY2021-2023 City Budget of which $600,000 was <br />allocated for FY2021-22 and $1 million in FY2022-2023. City staff is reviewing other existing <br />local funding sources as matching funds for Project Homekey including federal Community <br />Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME Program funds, City Affordable Housing Trust or <br />Housing In Lieu Fee (AHTF) funds, City Affordable Housing Asset Fund, State Permanent Local <br />Housing Allocation (PLHA) grant, and State Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention <br />(HHAP) grant. City staff will return to City Council on April 18, 2022 to seek approval of a <br />resolution authorizing submission of a Project Homekey application. City staff at that time will be <br />able to provide more details on the City funding sources to be committed as local match for the <br />application, as well as the Project Homekey proposal costs and funding request to the State. <br />Alternative Plan to Project Homekey Funding <br />If the State does not approve the City’s Project Homekey Round 2 application because it is a <br />highly competitive process, the City will then re-apply for the Round 3 Project Homekey RFP, <br />which is expected to be issued in Fall/Winter 2022. If there is an early deadline incentive in <br />Round 3, as there was in Round 2, the City would aim to meet the early deadline. <br />Public Outreach Plan <br />Upon City Council approval, City staff will begin immediate outreach to nearby businesses and <br />residents to the Nimitz Motel. Below are proposed public engagement events in 2022: <br />·April through December - City staff to identify and meet with commercial and residential <br />stakeholders in close proximity to the Nimitz Motel, along with homeless or at-risk <br />homeless individuals and households, to receive public feedback and provide information <br />on the Project Homekey proposal <br />·April/May - City staff to hold city-wide community meeting on Project Homekey proposal <br />·May 2, 2022 - City Council public hearing to review final FY2022-2032 U.S. Department of <br />Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Annual Action Plan including federal CDBG and <br />HOME funds for the Project Homekey proposal <br />·July - City staff to make presentation to City Council on status of the Project Homekey <br />grant application and purchase of the Nimitz Motel <br />Page 4 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/16/2022