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Supporting Provisions <br />#Provision Ordinance Administrative <br />Procedure <br />1 <br />The CPRB and IPA need to have a clear mission/purpose statement, with clarity <br />about their relationship to each other Yes <br />2 <br />Clear procedures for how recommendations from the IPA and CPRB are to be <br />handled by the Chief and City Manager Yes <br />3 <br />Chief attends CPRB meetings and reports significant policy changes and mutually <br />agreed upon topics Yes <br />4 <br />Include public reporting obligations of the IPA and CPRB: Specifically, regarding <br />activities of each, outcomes of recommendations made to the Chief & CM, and <br />general trends data on policy operations Yes <br />5 <br />IPA may make recommendations on the classification category of complaints to be <br />investigated by the Police Dept's Professional Standards (Internal Affairs) unit Yes <br />7