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File Number: 22-191 <br />District Members from Districts 1, 3, 5, and the Mayor’s at large appointment shall expire December <br />31, 2023 and the terms of District Members from Districts 2, 4, and 6 shall expire December 31, 2024. <br />Thereafter, all members of the Community Police Review Board may hold office for up to four years. <br />The City Council may fill a vacancy by appointment for the unexpired remainder of the term. <br /> <br />4.A new Article 17, Community Police Review Board, is added to San Leandro Municipal Code <br />Chapter 1-3, Boards and Commissions, to read as follows: <br />1-3-1700 Short title and Purpose. <br />This article shall be known as the City of San Leandro "Community Police Review Board Ordinance." <br />The purpose of the board is to increase public trust, increase <br />accountability, ensure that police operations reflect community values, and, in <br />cooperation with the Independent Police Auditor, ensure prompt, impartial, and fair <br />investigations of complaints brought by members of the public against San Leandro Police Department <br />employees, including but not limited to complaints under California Penal Code section 832.5. <br />1-3-1710 Establishment. <br />There is created and established an appointed body of the City Council to be known as the <br />Community Police Review Board and hereinafter called "board” or “CPRB." <br />1-3-1720 Membership and Conditions of Holding Office. <br />(a)The board shall consist of nine (9) members. The membership shall include one member from each <br />of the six (6) Council Member Districts, an at large member appointed by the Mayor pursuant to <br />Section 1-3-110 < <br />110&confidence=8> of this Code and two Student Members, as defined by San Leandro Municipal <br />Code section 1-3-110. <br />1.Each member shall be a resident of the city. <br />2.Subject to the receipt of enough qualified applicants, the Council must appoint a majority of <br />members to the board who reflect the diversity of the City, by including members who <br />represent the City’s diverse geographic areas and socio-economic, cultural, racial, ethnic, <br />gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, and age differences, and who have differing <br />personal backgrounds, education, occupations, and life experiences. <br />3.To ensure the board’s independence from the San Leandro Police Department and other law <br />enforcement agencies, no current or former employee of a police department or other law <br />enforcement agency may serve on the board. In addition, no immediate family or household <br />member, defined as the parent, spouse, domestic partner, sibling, child, or cohabitant, of a <br />law enforcement officer, who works or worked for a law enforcement agency, may serve on <br />the board. For purposes of this prohibition, law enforcement agencies include police <br />departments of all cities, as well as all public agencies, county, state, and federal law <br />enforcement officers, and city, county, state, and federal prosecutors and public defenders. <br />4.Practicing attorneys who handle, or are members of firms or entities that currently handle <br />criminal or civil matters involving law enforcement agencies are ineligible to serve on the <br />board. <br />(b)Board members are expected to comply with all of the duties and obligations required or expected <br />of board members by this Article. A board member may be automatically removed from office by <br />the Council for two unexcused absences in a calendar year. An excused absence is one where the <br />board member notifies the board chair of their absence at least forty-eight hours in advance of the <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/16/2022