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File Number: 22-191 <br />misusing records developed to take personnel actions; and/or (iv) directing that action be <br />taken on police department employees. <br />(C)Notwithstanding any other rights or functions contained herein, including the receipt and <br />referral of Penal Code Section 832.5 complaints, the board must refrain from drafting or <br />submitting any subpoena or soliciting a second legal opinion on a matter after receiving an <br />opinion from the City Attorney without first submitting such request to the City Manager who <br />shall forward it to the City Council. <br />4.Upon notice of vacancy for the position of Chief of Police, receive from the City Manager a <br />report on the job requirements, application process, and evaluation criteria of candidates for <br />the Chief of Police, and make recommendations to the City Manager regarding the job <br />requirements, application process, and evaluation criteria. <br />1-3-1760 Independent Police Auditor <br />There is hereby established an independent police auditor, who is appointed by and is a direct report <br />to the City Manager, who shall perform the following functions: <br />(a)Serve as an independent monitor of the police department. <br />(b)Participate in all internal affairs and administrative review processes conducted by the police <br />department. The independent police auditor shall receive immediate notification of all critical <br />incidents and may at its discretion provide advice to the police department’s administrative <br />investigations team during its internal affairs investigation, and shall receive all of the same <br />documents and records as the police department’s administrative investigators. <br />(c)Serve as the law enforcement subject matter expert to the board. The independent police auditor <br />shall assist the board with classifying Penal Code Section 832.5 complaints; analyze for the board <br />local, State, and national police data and trends; make expert recommendations to the board and <br />the Police Chief on police department policies, with specific expert recommendations pertaining to <br />investigations, training, and discipline policies; assist the board with the preparation of the board’s <br />annual report and workplan; and in collaboration with the City Manager support the board’s <br />public outreach activities. <br />(d)Recommend, with the Police Chief’s and the specifically affected police department personnel’s <br />written consent, referrals for voluntary and confidential mediation of specific complaints to <br />community based mediation services provided by trained or certified mediators. <br />1-3-1770 Qualifications of the Independent Police Auditor <br />(a)Subject to the discretion and judgment of the City Manager, the independent police auditor shall at <br />a minimum have professional experience, certifications, and other qualifications specifically <br />related to law enforcement agency personnel investigations, and California law related to the <br />Public Safety Officer’s Procedural Bill of Rights Act (California Government Code Section 3300 et <br />seq.). <br />(b)Before appointment, the independent police auditor shall be subject to a full background check, <br />confidentiality oath or agreement, and training on access to San Leandro police department <br />personnel investigations and records. <br />Page 5 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/16/2022