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File Number: 22-089 <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />·Transportation Goal T-2: Design and operate streets to be safe, attractive, and <br />accessible for all transportation users whether they are pedestrians, bicyclist, transit riders <br />or motorists, regardless of age or ability. <br />·Transportation Goal T-3: Promote and accommodate alternative, environmentally <br />friendly methods of transportation, such as walking and bicycling. <br />·Transportation Goal T-5: Improve major transportation arteries for circulation in and <br />around the city. <br />·Transportation Goal T-7: Improve traffic safety and reduce the potential for accidents on <br />San Leandro streets. <br />Environmental Review <br />·A Categorical Exclusion under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) was <br />determined by Caltrans, Local Assistance section, on January 18, 2019 <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />·The project is posted on the City’s website <br />·Properties and businesses adjacent to the work will receive notifications from the City, and <br />a second notification will be sent by the Contractor prior to starting work. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The cost of this multi-fund project is detailed below. The budget authority section has details on <br />funding types, accounts, and authorizations. CIP accounts are carried forward for five years or <br />until the work is complete, whichever occurs first. <br />Design and Bid $405,000 <br />Construction Contract $1,292,538 <br />Construction Contingencies $258,507 <br />Construction Management $129,410 <br />Total $2,085,455 <br />Consultant Agreement Amendment Summary: <br />Amend. No.Description Amount % of Orig. Fee <br />1.City requested additional $24,818 9.97% <br /> scope to evaluate and upgrade <br />traffic signals, to reduce large <br />curb returns to improve pedestrian <br />access at Castro. <br />Proposed <br />2.Additional scope to design storm $21,964 8.82% <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/16/2022