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File Number: 22-121 <br />Case rates are in the CDC substantial range., at 5.8 cases per 100,000, 100 cases reported per day on average, <br />with test positivity at 1.3% overall, hospitalization rates are improving with 70 in the hospitals and 21 in ICU. <br />There have been 135 deaths between July 1 and Oct 12, which is lower than in previous months. The County has <br />one of the highest rates of vaccination in the state with 1.2 million fully vaccinated (80.4%) over 12, 72% of total <br />population. The dashboard has been updated to reflect deaths by vaccination status and data on 5-11- years-olds <br />will be included soon. Booster may be considered for certain individuals, such as those 18-29 with underlying <br />medical conditions and those 18-64 with increased risk with increased exposure to COVID exposure. Boosters <br />can now be mixed between the different types per the CDC. <br />With the little shake earlier this week, events can happen any day and at any time, so make sure that everyone is <br />aware of AC Alert and the Know Your Zone/ Zonehaven campaign. More information can be found at <br />www.acgov/emergencysite <http://www.acgov/emergencysite>. Thank you was sent out to the county partners <br />for their participating in the Golden Eagle exercise on Nov. 3. It was a successful exercise because OES saw <br />where they had done well and where they need to improve. <br />Alameda County Fire Department (ACFD) was not available for a report <br />2.C. San Leandro City <br />• San Leandro City Manager <br />• San Leandro Police <br />Other City Departments <br />Assistant City Manager Cameron had no report. <br />San Leandro Police reported that within the city, there have been 7,543 cases, 72,945 are partially vaccinated <br />(95%), 68,000 are fully vaccinated (88.5%). These numbers are for 12 and over, since the 5-11-year-olds <br />were just approved to get the vaccination. <br />Catrina has been working on the Great Shakeout AAR and making sure that all the council member backpacks <br />are full. She also participated in the San Leandro Hospital exercise. <br />2.D. Healthcare Services <br />• Hospitals <br />• Davis Street Family Resource Center <br />• Red Cross <br />San Leandro Hospital offered deepest condolences for the loss of Wilma Chan, who was a fierce advocate for <br />healthcare, and she fought for SLH to remain open to serve SL and ALCO. She wanted us to be resilient and <br />SLH will honor her spirit. <br />Alameda Health Systems, in particular SLH, conducted an active shooter drill. They train staff on the Homeland <br />Security measures of “run, hide, fight,” along with how to manage such an event and the surge of patients that <br />might happen. They were able to activate at all their facilities and partnered with city partners. They are grateful <br />for the partnership with San Leandro and the support that was provided, and thank you to Catrina Christian for her <br />participation in the drill. <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/16/2022