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Dear Mayor and City Councilmembers: <br />Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. <br />As you review the draft Ordinance to establish the San Leandro Community Police Review Board, please <br />consider directing the Staff to amend the draft ordinance to include three important provisions that are cited in the <br />Staff Presentation, but are absent in the text of the Ordinance. This will clarify the Council's intent and provide <br />additional guidance for the development of the Administrative Procedures that will govern how the Board <br />functions. Specifically add: <br />1. [Under CPRB functions, add:] "There shall be clear procedures for how recommendations from the IPA and <br />CPRB are to be handled by the Chief and City Manager" (See item #2 on "Supporting Provisions" slide) <br />The current ordinance text states that the CPRB's function is to "monitor, review and provide input on police <br />department policies", but it does not make clear that "providing input" includes the power to make <br />recommendations which must be formally responded to by the Chief and City Manager. The specifics for how <br />recommendations are to be made and considered should be addressed later in the Administrative Procedures. <br />2. [Under "Annual Report", add:] "Public reporting obligations of the IPA and CPRB shall include a summary of <br />their activities, outcomes of recommendations made to the Chief and City Manager, and general trends data on <br />police operations." (See item #4 on "Supporting Provisions" slide) <br />The only mandate the current ordinance text includes for the CPRB's annual report is the attendance record of <br />the board members. While that may be appropriate, the interests of transparency and accountability should <br />mandate a more substantive summary of the Boards activities and results as well. <br />3. [Under CPRB functions, add:] "Provides input into the Police Department budget." (See the "Community Police <br />Review Board - Framework" slide). <br />Assuring the Board role includes the opportunity to provide input on the annual police budget has been <br />consistently discussed and included in Staff presentations to date. Its absence in the ordinance text appears to <br />be inadvertent, but is important enough to be amended. <br />Thank you for your consideration. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Bob Bailey <br />Celina Reynes <br />Addie Kitchen <br />(SLATE)