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File Number: 22-234 <br />1. “Council Priorities FY2022-2023” - This is a summary of all the active priorities the City Council <br />established in 2021. This is for reference purposes only to discuss Fiscal Year 2022-2023 <br />priorities. <br />2. “Council Referrals for Voting” - This is a summary of every referral that was documented since <br />City Manager Robustelli’s arrival as the Interim City Manager in December 2020 and any new <br />referrals that have not already made it to the priority list developed during the last two <br />retreats. This will be the document used during the “dot exercise”. <br />The priority items and referrals have been tracked under nine categories. The categories are as <br />follows: <br />1.Community and Business Development <br />2.Community Engagement and Outreach <br />3.Fiscal Sustainability and Transparency <br />4.Housing and Homelessness <br />5.Infrastructure <br />6.Public Safety <br />7.Race and Equity Initiatives <br />8.Sustainability and Resiliency <br />9.COVID Recovery <br />Prior to the Council Retreat, each Councilmember worked independently to begin the prioritization <br />process. They were given three votes. Councilmembers were asked to place their votes on the <br />categories that represented their highest community priorities. Based on the outcome of those votes <br />(included in the attached presentation), the following activities will occur during the priority setting <br />portion of the retreat: <br />1.Each Councilmember will be given five votes to remove an item from the unprioritized referral <br />list. Referral items that receive 4 or more votes will be removed from the prioritization “dot <br />exercise”. Removal of less urgent items increases the chance of consensus for more pressing <br />items in the next exercise. <br />2.Each Councilmember will prioritize within the categories and be provided the following votes: <br />a.3 votes for referral items in the (red) top two categories <br />b.2 votes for referral items in the (orange) middle two categories <br />c.1 vote for the referral items in the final (yellow) four categories <br />* COVID Recovery is not included in the category voting because the City must do this <br />work or risk the loss of ARPA funds <br />3.Referral items that receive four or more votes at the retreat will be placed in a queue. As items <br />are completed on the current priority list, items in the queue will be moved into the active <br />priority list. <br />4.After all the above activities are complete, If the Council desires to move an item out of the <br />queue at the retreat, something will need to be removed from the active list. This will be part <br />of the broader discussion to focus City priorities. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 3/23/2022