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RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND RETURN TO: <br />PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY <br />245 Market Street, NIOA, Room 1015 <br />P.O. Box 770000 <br />San Francisco, California 94177 <br />Location: City/Uninc <br />Recording Fee $ <br />Document Transfer Tax $ <br />[ ] This is a conveyance where the consideration and <br />Value is less than $100.00 (R&T 11911). <br />[ ] Computed on Full Value of Property Conveyed, or <br />[ ] Computed on Full Value Less Liens <br />& Encumbrances Remaining at Time of Sale <br />[ ] Exempt from the fee per GC 27388.1 (a) (2); This <br />document is subject to Documentary Transfer Tax <br />nature of declarant or agent determining tax <br />(SPACE ABOVE FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY) <br />LD# 2302-03-10036 EASEMENT DEED <br />GRANT OF EASEMENT <br />This GRANT OF EASEMENT (this 'Basement") is made and entered into effect as of <br />2021 by the City of San Leandro, California, a California Charter <br />City ("Grantor"), and Pacific Gas & Electric Company, a California Corporation, ("PG&E"), and <br />its respective successors who agree to be bound by the obligations of this Easement (hereinafter <br />collectively called "Grantee"). <br />1. Grant of Easement. <br />(a) Grantor hereby grants to PG&E the non-exclusive right from time to time to excavate for, <br />construct, reconstruct, replace (of initial or any other size), remove, maintain, inspect, and use <br />facilities and associated equipment for public utility purposes, including, but not limited to <br />electric, gas, and communication facilities and appurtenances thereto (the "Facilities"), together <br />with a right of way therefor, on, and under the easement area as hereinafter set forth, and also <br />ingress thereto and egress therefrom, over and across the lands of Grantor situated in the City of <br />San Leandro, County of Alameda, State of California, described as follows: <br />(APN 077-0545-024-01) <br />The parcel of land conveyed in the deed from the Redevelopment Agency of the City of San <br />Leandro to the City of San Leandro dated June 09, 2016 and recorded as Document No. 2016- <br />152622, Alameda County Records. <br />