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<br />San Leandro Public Library <br />Memory Lab <br />2021-2022 <br />40-9281 <br />Page 17 of 40 <br />(c) Procedures and Requirements <br />(d) Federal Restrictions on the Use of LSTA Funds <br />(e) LSTA Award Requirements <br />(f) Certificate of Compliance <br />(g) Project Summary <br />(h) Subrecipient’s Application <br />(i ) All other attachments hereto, including any that are incorporated by <br />reference. <br /> <br />35. Payment: <br />a. The approved Budget, if applicable as detailed in the Award Letter, states <br />the maximum amount of allowable costs for each of the tasks identified in <br />the Activity Timeline included in the project application. California State <br />Library shall provide funding to the Subrecipient for only the work and <br />tasks specified in the Subrecipient’s Application at only those costs <br />specified in the Budget and incurred in the term of the Agreement. <br />b. The Subrecipient shall carry out the work described in the Subrecipient’s <br />Application in accordance with the approved Budget, and shall obtain <br />the Grant Monitor’s written approval of any changes or modifications to <br />the approved project as described in the Subrecipient’s Application or <br />the approved Budget prior to performing the changed work or incurring <br />the changed cost. If the Subrecipient fails to obtain such prior written <br />approval, the State Librarian or designee, at their sole discretion, may <br />refuse to provide funds to pay for such work or costs. <br />c. The Subrecipient shall request funds in accordance with the funding <br />schedule included in this agreement. <br />d. For awards with total funding exceeding $20,000, ten percent (10%) will be <br />withheld from each Payment Request and paid at the end of the grant <br />term, when all reports and conditions stipulated in this Agreement have <br />been satisfactorily completed. Failure by the Subrecipient to satisfactorily <br />complete all reports and conditions stipulated in this Agreement may <br />result in forfeiture of any such funds withheld. <br />e. Lodgings, Meals and Incidentals: Subrecipient’s eligible costs are limited to <br />the amounts authorized in the U.S. General Services Administration <br />(contact the Grant Monitor for more information). <br />f. Payment will be made only to the Subrecipient. <br />g. Allowable expenses shall not be incurred unless and until the Subrecipient <br />receives official award notification as described in the Procedures and <br />Requirements. <br /> <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: BFA82BFD-E288-4CA3-B9FB-BAC4531C0FB0 <br />In Process