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Grant Award Signed - Memory Lab 12302021
City Clerk
City Council
Grant Award Signed - Memory Lab 12302021
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<br />San Leandro Public Library <br />Memory Lab <br />2021-2022 <br />40-9281 <br />Page 21 of 40 <br /> <br />48. Self-Dealing and Arm’s Length Transactions: All expenditures for which <br />reimbursement pursuant to this Agreement is sought shall be the result of arm’s- <br />length transactions and not the result of, or motivated by, self-dealing on the <br />part of the Subrecipient or any employee or agent of the Subrecipient. For <br />purposes of this provision, “arm’s-length transactions” are those in which both <br />parties are on equal footing and fair market forces are at play, such as when <br />multiple vendors are invited to compete for an entity’s business and the entity <br />chooses the lowest of the resulting bids. “Self-dealing” is involved where an <br />individual or entity is obligated to act as a trustee or fiduciary, as when handling <br />public funds, and chooses to act in a manner that will benefit the individual or <br />entity, directly or indirectly, to the detriment of, and in conflict with, the public <br />purpose for which all award monies are to be expended. <br /> <br />49. Severability: If any part of this Agreement is found to be unlawful or <br />unenforceable, such provisions will be voided and severed from this Agreement, <br />but the remainder of the provisions in the Agreement will remain in full force and <br />effect. <br /> <br />50. Site Visits: The Subrecipient shall allow the California State Library to access and <br />conduct site visits, with reasonable notice, at which grant funds are expended <br />and related work being performed at any time during the performance of the <br />work and for up to ninety (90) days after completion of the work, or until all issues <br />related to the grant project have been resolved. A site visit may include, but not <br />be limited to, monitoring the use of grant funds, provide technical assistance <br />when needed, and to visit the State funded project. <br />51. Subrecipient: The Subrecipient is the government or other legal entity to which a <br />subaward is awarded and which is accountable to the grantee for the use of <br />the funds provided. <br />a. The subrecipient will make reports to the State Librarian in such form and <br />containing such information as may be required to enable the California <br />State Library to perform its duties. The subrecipient will keep such records <br />and afford such access as the California State Librarian or Library may find <br />necessary to assure the correctness and verification of such reports. <br />b. The control of funds and title to property derived there from shall be in a <br />subrecipient agency for the uses and purposes provided; a subrecipient <br />agency will administer such property and funds and shall apply funds only <br />for the purposes for which they were granted. <br /> <br />52. Subrecipient Accountability: The Subrecipient is ultimately responsible and <br />accountable for the manner in which the grant funds are utilized and <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: BFA82BFD-E288-4CA3-B9FB-BAC4531C0FB0 <br />In Process
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