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File Number: 21-732 <br />residents and City Council. On November 4, 2014, voters in Alameda County passed Measure <br />BB tax measures with the goal of improving local roadways as one of their main objectives. In <br />addition, voters in San Leandro passed Measure HH tax measures as a guaranteed funding <br />source for essential City services, including improvement to local roadways. <br />This project will involve pavement work on 88 street segments comprised of 11 arterial streets, 13 <br />collector streets, and 64 local streets. The project has a total project cost of approximately <br />$14,500,000. A tentative list and location map of the street segments to be restored is attached. <br />This list is subject to change based on information discovered during the design phase. <br />The streets within the project will receive either replacement of the top layer of asphalt or a 3/8” <br />rubberized seal. Streets in need of complete reconstruction are not included in the project <br />because the cost of that work would require a significant reduction in the number of streets <br />included and result in a lower overall pavement condition for the City. Staff anticipates that <br />reconstruction of streets with failed pavement will resume with the following street pavement <br />project. The project also includes improvements to bike and pedestrian access within the project <br />limits, curb ramps, and sewer point repairs. <br />To accelerate project delivery four contracts will be bid: <br />·Curb ramp repairs <br />·Sanitary sewer point repairs <br />·Paving surface seal improvements (asphalt rubber cape seal) <br />·Paving rehabilitation (mill and fill) <br />Analysis <br />A consultant is needed to provide design services and prepare construction documents for the <br />surface seal work and paving rehabilitation (mill and fill) work. The scope of work includes design <br />of items such as Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacons (RRFBs), sidewalk bulb outs, and <br />landscape planters as appropriate. <br />A request for proposals for design of street pavement repair was issued in 2017 that resulted in <br />responses from three design firms. NCE was the top ranked firm and has successfully completed <br />one project with the City. A second project with NCE is near the end of the design phase, and <br />staff proposes to contract with NCE again for this project. This will be the third and final contract <br />issued based on their rank as the most qualified firm from the previous selection process. <br />This contract represents staff’s current understanding of the work required. This contract includes <br />tasks for project management, field investigations and review of existing conditions, pavement <br />design, utility coordination and permitting, review, and assist staff to identify defective sewer lines <br />for repair, as well as preparation of bid and construction documents for both street paving surface <br />seal and rehabilitation treatments. Also included are costs for bid support and assistance during <br />construction. Occasionally, changes to the scope of contracts are necessary to respond to new <br />and previously unknown information or to include unanticipated additional items of work <br />necessary for a complete product. For example, street selections for improvements may change <br />based on the result of field surveys and ‘Complete Streets’ evaluations that are completed during <br />the design process may identify additional improvements which should be added to the project at <br />selected locations. To resolve these issues in a timely fashion and avoid delaying completion of <br />the bid documents for this project, staff requests authorization to issue individual contract <br />amendments to the consultant up to 10%, or $106,500 each, and cumulative contract <br />amendments up to 25%, or $266,250 of the original contract amount. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/13/2022