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City Clerk
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Packet 04182022
9D Consent
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Last modified
4/18/2022 1:31:50 PM
Creation date
4/18/2022 1:31:34 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2022-058 Home together 2026
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2022
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<br />iv <br /> <br />Taken together, the significant increase in investment and the creation of new models and pathways <br />out of homelessness will lead to decreases in new homelessness, improved racial equity in outcomes, <br />shorter time being homeless, and a reduced rate at which people return to homelessness. Specific <br />measurable targets for reducing homelessness altogether, and for achieving greater equity in results, <br />are included in the plan. <br />The community of Alameda County adopts this plan and vision at a time when the future is uncertain. <br />New resources, both one-time and ongoing, received in 2021 and anticipated in the future provide the <br />foundation for achieving this plan, but alone are not enough to realize its vision. The response to <br />COVID-19 has shown that the community can pull together and can work at speeds we have not seen <br />before, a strong foundation to build from. However, we face continuing challenges including <br />uncertainties from COVID-19, unpredictable housing markets, future State, Federal and local budgets, <br />and an overtaxed public and non-profit sector with significant capacity needs. All these challenges <br />require continuing the current level of unprecedented collaboration and coordination and building on <br />the progress made to unify the community response and build an aligned response system centered in <br />racial equity. <br />Home Together 2026 adopts bold, ambitious, and measurable goals for Alameda County, both for <br />reducing homelessness and for achieving greater equity. To bring these new programs and solutions <br />into being will take committing every available dollar in ways that uphold performance and invest in <br />working and desired models. With these commitments and agreements for joint accountability we will, <br />by 2026, be Home, Together.
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