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City of San Leandro <br />February 22, 2022 <br />Page 2 <br />only example provided in the Ordinance supports our positi on that a December year <br />to year calculation is the only reasonable interpretation. Lungren v. Deukmejian <br />(California Supreme Court, 1988) 45 Cal.3d 727, 735 (under the “plain meaning” rule <br />words used in a statute or ordinance should be given the meaning t hey bear in ordinary <br />use and the meaning may be determined from the words construed in context and <br />even with provisions relating to the same subject matter harmonized to the extent <br />possible). <br />Furthermore, we are not aware of any other City in California that applies such an <br />“average” CPI calculation. Thus, the industry norm or standard also supports our <br />interpretation. <br />We understand the City is adamant that its interpretation of the CPI calculation is the <br />correct calculation. However, we respectfully disagree for the reasons set forth herein. <br />This calculation by the City, if incorrect, is costing our clients tens of thousands of <br />dollars as well as the other park owners in the City. <br />We are aware of the prior and ongoing communications between the City and our <br />clients involving this issue. Our clients have already noticed their rent increase for <br />2022 based on their 4% calculation and not the City’s erroneous 3.2%. It appears the <br />parties are at an impasse at this time. Our clients intend to file an ac tion for declaratory <br />relief and seek a preliminary injunction whereby a local Alameda County Judge will <br />ultimately decide this narrow issue. <br />In the alternative, our clients are willing to not implement the rent increase portion in <br />dispute, and not file th e lawsuit if the City will agree to have a neutral third party <br />arbitrator (agreed upon by the parties) render a non -binding opinion on th e CPI <br />calculation. We think that may be the best path to get some finality on this issue. If <br />our clients are content with the arbitrator’s non -binding opinion then the lawsuit can <br />be avoided. <br />Please let us know how the City wants to proceed. We understand the City has been <br />using this calculation for several years now and is not inclined to change its position <br />which admits the calculation was always wrong. However, this dispute is costing our <br />clients too much money not to seek clarification from a Judge or a third party arbitrator. <br />I can be reached by phone at 949 -565 -1337 and by email at . <br />We look forward to the City’s respons e. Thank you. <br />
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