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April 11, 2022City Council Meeting Agenda <br />This is the time when any person may address the Council on matters not listed on this <br />agenda, but which are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Council. Public <br />Comments are limited to 2 minutes per speaker, subject to adjustment by the Mayor. <br />The Mayor, as the Chair of the meeting charged with its orderly administration and, <br />together in partnership with the other City Council members, the timely completion of the <br />meeting agenda, manages Item 5., Public Comments. This includes but is not limited to <br />moving immediately to the next speaker after a speaker has completed their comments <br />within the allotted time, prohibiting speakers from yielding or granting their time to <br />another person who is later in the queue to speak or who has already spoken, prohibiting <br />speakers who have already spoken from speaking again regardless of whether it is <br />during the public comment period or on an individual agenda item, and setting when and <br />where in the agenda public comments under item 5. shall be heard. <br />4.WORK SESSION <br />22-210 Introduction to Reach Codes for Building Electrification and Electric <br />Vehicle Infrastructure <br />SL Reach Codes PresentationAttachments: <br />22-203 Overview of the San Leandro Aquatics Program <br />Aquatics PresentationAttachments: <br />5.ADJOURN <br />MEETING ACCESSIBILITY <br />If special accommodations are required for the disabled, please call the City Clerk's <br />Office at (510) 577-3366 or TDD at (510) 577-3343. <br />Respectfully Submitted: <br />___________________________________ <br />Kelly B. Clancy <br />Acting City Clerk for the City of San Leandro <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/6/2022