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From:ShoELL O.F. Robinson <br />To:Clerk; Aguilar Jr, Victor; Lopez, Corina; Simon, Fred; Azevedo, Bryan; Ballew, Pete; Cox, Deborah; Robustelli, <br />Fran; Cutter, Pauline <br />Subject:Police Oversight Ordinance <br />Date:Wednesday, February 16, 2022 1:31:34 PM <br />Some people who received this message don't often get email from why this is important <br />ATTENTION: This email is from an external source, outside of the City. While attachments and links are scanned by <br />our Advanced Threat Protection service, we still recommend you use caution when opening or clicking them. Unless <br />you recognize the sender and have an expectation that the content is safe, it is best to ignore this email and report <br />it to the Helpdesk. Sincerely, Your IT Team <br />Good Afternoon, <br />First, thank you Mayor, Councilmembers, and Staff for all the efforts towards the creation of <br />police oversight in our community. <br />Second, I like to make the following requests as I was not able to communicate them during <br />the special council meeting last night: <br />1. Please return a draft of the ordinance as soon as possible - there was some discussion last <br />night about extending the timeline to put the ordinance into effect, but the draft should be <br />issued by next month so we can put the ordinance into effect before summertime. <br />2. Exclude present and former sworn officers, as well as their family members from the <br />oversight board - in the spirit of improving trust and accountability, this provision needs to be <br />included in the ordinance. And while I understand the potential benefits of having law <br />enforcement professionals involved in Oversight Board matters as consultants/advisors, their <br />voting power must be carefully considered to maintain the level of independence needed to <br />instill maximum trust between the Police and the Community. In the aftermath of Steven <br />Taylor and SLPD embezzlement of City money via the payroll system, trust is low, so I <br />STRONGLY disagree with the idea of present and past sworn officers (and their family <br />members) having voting power; they should NOT be part of the voting quorum. <br />3. Ensure that the oversight board is adequately funded to carry out its duties - the budget <br />allocated to police oversight board is a direct reflection of how much the City values <br />transparency and accountability between the police department and the Community. The City <br />has acknowledged the need for improvement in this area specifically, so let the police <br />oversight board budget reflect the City's apparent support. <br />Respectfully, <br />Sean & Noel Fong <br />Homeowner and Resident, San Leandro, District 2 <br />510.402.3337