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4/18/2022 4:41:33 PM
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4/18/2022 4:41:20 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2022-054 Community Safety Cameras
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Sole Source Letter for Flock Safety ALPR Cameras and Solution <br />Flock Safety is the sole manufacturer and developer of the Flock Safety ALPR Camera. Flock <br />Safety is also the sole provider of the comprehensive monitoring, processing, and machine <br />vision services which integrate with the Flock Safety ALPR Camera. <br />The Flock Safety ALPR camera and devices are the only Law Enforcement Grade ALPR <br />System to offer the following combination of proprietary features: <br />1.Patented Vehicle Fingerprint Technology: <br />○Patented proprietary machine vision to analyze vehicle license plate, state <br />recognition, vehicle color, vehicle type, vehicle make and objects (roof rack, <br />bumper stickers, etc.) based on image analytics (not car registration data) <br />○Machine vision to capture and identify characteristics of vehicles with a paper <br />license plate and vehicles with the absence of a license plate <br />○Ability to ‘Save Search’ based on description of vehicles using our patented <br />Vehicle Fingerprint Technology without the need for a license plate, and set up <br />alerts based on vehicle description <br />○Only LPR provider with “Visual Search” which can transform digital images from <br />any source into an investigative lead by finding matching vehicles based on the <br />vehicle attributes in the uploaded photo <br />2.Integrated Cloud-Software & Hardware Platform: <br />○Ability to capture two (2+) lanes of traffic simultaneously with a single camera <br />from a vertical mass <br />○Best in class ability to capture and process up to 30,000 vehicles per day with a <br />single camera powered exclusively by solar power <br />○Wireless deployment of solar powered license plate reading cameras with <br />integrated cellular communication weighing less than 5lbs and able to be <br />powered solely by a solar panel of 60W or less <br />○Web based footage retrieval tool with filtering capabilities such as vehicle color, <br />vehicle type, vehicle manufacturer, partial or full license plate, state of license <br />plate, and object detection <br />○Utilizes motion capture to start and stop recording without the need for a <br />reflective plate <br />○Motion detection allows for unique cases such as bicycle capture, ATV, <br />motorcycle, etc. <br />○On device machine processing to limit LTE bandwidth consumption <br />○Cloud storage of footage <br />1170 Howell Mill Rd. NW · Suite 210, Atlanta, GA 30318
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