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9H Consent
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Packet 04042022
9H Consent
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4/18/2022 4:42:20 PM
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4/18/2022 4:42:18 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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ORDINANCE NO. 2022-XXX 4 <br />4.Practicing attorneys who handle, or are members of firms or entities that currently <br />handle criminal or civil matters involving law enforcement agencies are ineligible to <br />serve on the board. <br />(b)Board members are expected to comply with all of the duties and obligations required or <br />expected of board members by this Article. A board member may be automatically removed <br />from office by the Council for two unexcused absences in a calendar year. An excused <br />absence is one where the board member notifies the board chair of their absence at least <br />forty-eight hours in advance of the board’s next regular or special meeting. <br />Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the Council may remove a member for three <br />absences of any type in a calendar year. <br />1-3-1730 Orientation, and training. <br />(a)No later than 90 days after appointment, each member shall: <br />1.Participate in a ride-along with the police department in a four-hour minimum shift; <br />and <br />2. Receive approximately 30 hours of training in relevant subject matters facilitated by <br />City staff, including but not limited to the police department, on topics including, at a <br />minimum, constitutional rights and civil liberties, Penal Code Section 832.5, <br />fundamentals of procedure, evidence, and due process, procedural rights and <br />confidentialities afforded to police officers by California law (including, but not <br />limited to, Government Code Section 3300 et seq. and Penal Code Sections 832.7 and <br />832.8), police department operations, policies, practices, and procedures, and duties, <br />responsibilities, procedures, and requirements associated with all ranks and <br />assignments, including support services; and <br />3.Receive ethics training as required by State law (AB 1234, Chapter 700, Stats. of 2005) <br />< <br />34>, and submit to the City Clerk annual statements of economic interest pursuant to <br />the city's conflict of interest code. <br />1-3-1740 Annual report. <br />The board shall submit an annual report and workplan to the city council no later than June <br />30 of each year. Attendance records of members shall be included as part of the annual report. <br />1-3-1750 Purpose and functions. <br />(a)The board's function is to: <br />1. Receive community feedback and Penal Code Section 832.5 complaints and refer them <br />for further review, as appropriate, to the independent police auditor or the internal <br />affairs function of the police department; <br />2. In accordance with all Federal and State laws, including but not limited to the Peace <br />Officers Procedural Bill of Rights Act, receive reports from the independent police <br />auditor regarding personnel discipline and complaints, critical incidents, police <br />department policies, and other law enforcement matters;
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