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ORDINANCE NO. 2022-XXX 5 <br />3. Monitor, review, and provide input on police department policies, and receive reports <br />from the police department on policies that indicate a need for review based on trends <br />and data or that are, in the judgment of a majority of the board, of compelling <br />community-wide concern. At the City Manager’s exclusive discretion and direction, <br />City employees shall cooperate with and assist the board and its staff with the <br />gathering and receipt of public records as defined by the California Public Records Act <br />relevant to the Board’s function. Police department policy reviews may be initiated by <br />either the independent police auditor or action by a majority of the board; <br />(A)Notwithstanding the right to play a role in monitoring and reviewing police <br />department policies, the board must refrain from any action or statement to prevent <br />implementation of a police department policy that under State or Federal law is <br />recommended by the Police Chief to take immediate effect or required to take <br />immediate effect. <br />(B)Notwithstanding the right to play a role in reviewing and monitoring police <br />department policies pertaining to personnel matters, the board must refrain from (i) <br />directly or indirectly taking active participation in personnel matters; (ii) taking <br />personnel actions; (iii) using or misusing records developed to take personnel actions; <br />and/or (iv) directing that action be taken on police department employees. <br />(C)Notwithstanding any other rights or functions contained herein, including the <br />receipt and referral of Penal Code Section 832.5 complaints, the board must refrain <br />from drafting or submitting any subpoena or soliciting a second legal opinion on a <br />matter after receiving an opinion from the City Attorney without first submitting such <br />request to the City Manager who shall forward it to the City Council. <br />4. Upon notice of vacancy for the position of Chief of Police, receive from the City <br />Manager a report on the job requirements, application process, and evaluation criteria <br />of candidates for the Chief of Police, and make recommendations to the City Manager <br />regarding the job requirements, application process, and evaluation criteria. <br />1-3-1760 Independent Police Auditor <br />There is hereby established an independent police auditor, who is appointed by and is a <br />direct report to the City Manager, who shall perform the following functions: <br />(a)Serve as an independent monitor of the police department. <br />(b)Participate in all internal affairs and administrative review processes conducted by the <br />police department. The independent police auditor shall receive immediate notification of <br />all critical incidents and may at its discretion provide advice to the police department’s <br />administrative investigations team during its internal affairs investigation, and shall receive <br />all of the same documents and records as the police department’s administrative <br />investigators. <br />(c)Serve as the law enforcement subject matter expert to the board. The independent police <br />auditor shall assist the board with classifying Penal Code Section 832.5 complaints; analyze <br />for the board local, State, and national police data and trends; make expert <br />recommendations to the board and the Police Chief on police department policies, with <br />specific expert recommendations pertaining to investigations, training, and discipline