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11A Public Hearings
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5/10/2022 4:06:05 PM
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5/10/2022 4:01:51 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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Ord 2022-005 PP Zoning Map Amendment Second Reading
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\City Clerk\City Council\Ordinances\2022
Reso 2022-068 PD SPR
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2022
Reso 2022-069 Tentative Map 2824 Halcyon Drive
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2022
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File Number: 22-278 <br />3.Adopt a Resolution of the City of San Leandro City Council to Approve a Vesting Tentative <br />Tract Map No. 8592 to subdivide one 2.4-acre parcel into 18 single-family lots and three <br />parcels located at 2824 Halcyon Drive. <br />BACKGROUND <br />APPLICANT'S SUPPORTING STATEMENT <br />See attached Applicant Statement. <br />RELATIONSHIP TO SURROUNDING AREA <br />The subject property is a remnant parcel located on the north side of Halcyon Drive in the <br />Washington Square neighborhood, situated between two established neighborhoods. The <br />property has a split zoning where the western portion of the site is zoned Industrial Park (IP) and <br />the eastern portion is zoned Residential Single-Family (RS). The 2.4-acre property is currently <br />developed with two existing single-family residential buildings and two associated accessory <br />structures, a private road that provides access to the buildings onsite, and six-foot pre-cast walls <br />around portions of the site’s perimeter. The site is generally flat, with existing trees and ruderal <br />grassland vegetation throughout the site. <br />The project site is located in the middle of the block and is adjoined by existing single-family <br />residences to the east and west. To the north is a portion of the San Leandro Business Park. The <br />southern boundary of the project site borders Halcyon Drive, a major arterial thoroughfare, and <br />additional single-family residences beyond. The subject property was previously under different <br />ownership and unavailable at the time the adjacent residential subdivisions were developed. The <br />adjacent connecting residential streets were previously designed and constructed to access and <br />accommodate the future development of this property. <br />DETAILS OF THE PROPOSAL <br />The Planned Development project involves a Zoning Map Amendment, Site Plan Review, and <br />Tentative Map to subdivide one parcel into 18 lots and three parcels for two private courts and <br />one privately owned open space accessible to the public. The proposed zoning map amendment <br />would rezone the parcel from a split zoning of IP Industrial Park/ RS Residential Single-Family to <br />RS(PD) Residential Single-Family with a Planned Development Overlay District, bringing it into <br />conformance with the current underlying Low-Medium Density Residential General Plan land use <br />designation. <br />The project involves the demolition of two existing residential dwellings and two accessory <br />structures to enable the construction of 18 single-family residences with associated infrastructure, <br />circulation and landscaping improvements. The project will create a new public street with an <br />S-shaped layout that connects the existing Muscari Street to the northwest of the project and <br />Elderberry Way to the southeast of the project. The project will also create two private courts that <br />vehicles would drive into to access five single-family residences. The courts are located at the <br />southwest and northeast of the project site. On the southeast corner of the project site would be a <br />4,877 square foot privately-owned and public accessible landscaped open space parcel. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/27/2022
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