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11A Public Hearings
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CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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Ord 2022-005 PP Zoning Map Amendment Second Reading
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\City Clerk\City Council\Ordinances\2022
Reso 2022-068 PD SPR
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2022
Reso 2022-069 Tentative Map 2824 Halcyon Drive
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2022
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File Number: 22-278 <br />developments because there are single-family homes to the south, east, and west of the subject <br />property. The City Council may approve a rezoning for a Planned Development when it is <br />consistent with the adopted Land Use Element of the General Plan and compatible with <br />surrounding development, as per Zoning Code Section 3.04.112. <br />Vesting Tentative Map <br />The applicant has proposed Vesting Tentative Tract Map 8592 for subdividing the property into <br />18 single-family residential lots and three parcels for the open space area and two courts. Land <br />division into five or more lots requires a Tentative Map (Community Development Department) <br />and a Final Map (Engineering Department). The purpose of a tentative map is to show what <br />currently exists and what is proposed on and adjacent to the property to be subdivided. A vesting <br />tentative tract map designation confers the applicant with the right to proceed with the <br />development in substantial compliance with the development standards in effect at the time of <br />approval. <br />Site Plan Review <br />Per Zoning Code Section 5.12.104.A, Site Plan Approval is required for any residential <br />development that requires a Planned Development approval to ensure the proposal’s <br />comprehensiveness in providing amenities and design that enhances the quality of residents’ <br />living and the appearance of the project. The project meets most of the underlying development <br />regulations per Zoning Code Section 2.04.300. With the exceptions needed for minimum lot area, <br />minimum lot width, and minimum front yard, the base zoning district of RS Single-Family would <br />remain in place with a Planned Development (PD) Overlay District designation. The Planning <br />Commission found the residences to have adequate articulation and variation in the use of <br />materials and colors, as well as window placement and changes in façade plane, and that all <br />elevations provided visual interest. The Planning Commission also found the proposed <br />landscaping complements the architectural design and provides an appropriate balance of trees, <br />shrubs, landscaping strips and ground cover. <br />Traffic <br />Per the Infill Checklist, the estimated increased vehicle miles traveled and trip generation rates for <br />the project are well below the threshold of significance. Project-specific impacts relative to traffic <br />hazards, emergency access, pedestrian and bicycle circulation, and transit capacity would not <br />exceed or differ from those previously identified in the General Plan EIR. Single family homes <br />generate about eight to ten vehicle trips per day. The overall traffic increase from the project <br />would be negligible. <br />A number of different factors required the project to have an internal street connection to Muscari <br />Street and Elderberry Way, rather than direct access to Halcyon Drive. Direct vehicular access to <br />Halcyon Drive would create a new conflict point and would not provide adequate spacing from the <br />nearest adjacent intersection. The Fire Department further requires the project to connect to the <br />existing neighborhood roadway network because the existing dead end stub streets on Muscari <br />Street and Elderberry Way do not meet the current roadway design standards or provide an <br />adequate turnaround for emergency vehicles in their current condition. <br />Page 6 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/27/2022
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