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File Number: 22-260 <br />funds for eligible predevelopment (i.e., architecture, engineering, acquisition related costs, etc.) <br />and construction costs. <br />The total development cost for the Washington Ave Apartments is approximately $57 million <br />dollars. See Attachment B (Financing Summary), summarizing the proposed project funding <br />sources and development costs. <br />Previous Actions <br />·July 19, 2021 - City Council approved the commitment and allocation of $7 million in <br />funding to Abode Communities for the Land Acquisition and New Construction of <br />Affordable Housing at 15101 Washington Avenue (Resolution No. 21-120). <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Housing Element Goal 53: Affordable Housing Development <br />Policy 53.03 Funding. <br />Actively pursue and leverage private, non-profit, and public funds to facilitate the development of <br />housing affordable to lower and moderate income households in San Leandro. Provide <br />administrative and technical assistance to affordable housing developers and support the <br />applications of these developers for loans, grants, tax credits, and other financing sources that <br />facilitate affordable housing production in the City. <br />Action 53.03-A: Applications for Grant Funding. <br />Continue to pursue all available funding sources for affordable housing construction, including <br />annual applications for federal CDBG and HOME funds, and applications for state funds through <br />the Department of Housing and Community Development. <br />Action 53.03-B: Support for Non-Profit and For-Profit Affordable Housing Developers. <br />Continue to provide support and information to non-profit and for-profit developers seeking to <br />create affordable housing in San Leandro, including assistance in applications for Low Income <br />Housing Tax Credits, Mortgage Revenue Bonds, Affordable Housing Program funds, and other <br />funding sources. <br />Environmental Review <br />This proposed affordable housing project is undergoing the SB 35 streamlining review, which is <br />ministerial and exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review. <br />Summary of Public Outreach Efforts <br />·Community meeting sponsored by the City via Zoom on June 1, 2021 to introduce the <br />15101 Washington Ave. project to the neighborhood. Meeting notices were sent to the <br />Washington Manor Homeowners Association (HOA), Manor Task Force, and the 200 <br />households that are within a 500-foot radius of the property. Attendees included members <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/27/2022