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File Number: 22-215 <br />determine neighborhoods that lack tree canopy or park access and currently experience higher <br />levels of environmental pollution and urban heat. From the data, PlanIT Geo will create maps of <br />priority planting areas for San Leandro and determine goals and estimated timelines for reaching <br />the canopy goals. <br />2.Outreach Plan <br />PlanIT Geo and team will make recommendations for building community leadership and <br />participation in caring for the trees. These can include educational opportunities, Tree Care <br />academy, community tree planting days, recommended partnerships and programming, and <br />demonstration projects. <br />In addition to the outreach recommendations, PlanIT Geo and team will work with Sustainability <br />staff on conducting outreach on the development of the plan itself. They will employ a variety of <br />different tactics, such as virtual surveys, PilotCity student ambassadors, and tabling at events. <br />3.Implementation Plan <br />PlanIT Geo and team will write an implementation plan with the following elements: identification <br />of challenges, goals, and principles; tree species recommendations and best management <br />practices; a recommendation for structuring a tree infrastructure team with potential community <br />partners; recommendations on long-term budget for tree planting and maintenance, and potential <br />revenue sources; and recommendations for tree policy revisions. <br />4.Maintenance Plan <br />PlanIT Geo and team will write a maintenance plan with the following elements: recommendations <br />for setting up a system for planting trees in the priority planting areas; recommendations for tree <br />maintenance, including recommended timelines for pruning, planting/establishment, inspection, <br />tree health monitoring, and support system; recommendations for management of declining trees, <br />including replacement schedule, and tree removal; recommendations for managing <br />growing/rooting space, utility line/structure clearances, sidewalk/hardscape damage, construction <br />damage, and fire hazards at urban/wildland interface; and recommendations for record keeping <br />software. <br />Legal Analysis <br />These agreements were reviewed by the City Attorney and approved as to form. <br />Fiscal Impacts <br />The CALFIRE Urban Forestry Grant project will be paid for with grant funds of $1,499,400 for the <br />planting of street trees with community partners Common Vision and their project 100K Trees for <br />Humanity with offsetting revenues deposited into account 150-3607. <br />The Trees Master Plan project will cost $200,000, which requires no adjustment to the <br />FY2021-2022 Adjusted Budget, given appropriations as designated in American Rescue Plan <br />Act Account 190-12-819-5190. <br />Budget Authority <br />The CalFire Grant project will require Council appropriation of grant funds to operating account <br />150-12-035. As part of this project, Sustainability and Public Works staff will provide in-kind labor <br />for grant administration, project management, and tree planting review. No additional City funds <br />or allocations for proposed staff work are required or anticipated for the project. <br />The Trees Master Plan project will require no additional Council appropriation for Fiscal Year <br />Page 3 City of San Leandro Printed on 4/27/2022