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derived by the Agency from the Property or pan thereof in connection with such management), all <br />taxes, assessments and water or sewer charges with respect to the Property or part thereof which the <br />Developer has not paid, any payments trade or necessary to be trade to discharge any encumbrances <br />or (tens existing on the Property or pan thereof at die utne or revesting of title thereto in the Agency, <br />or to discharge or prevent from attaching or being made any subsequent encumbrances or liens due to <br />obligations, defaults or acts of the Developer, its successors or transferees, any expenditures made or <br />obligations incurred with respect to the making or completion of the improvements or any part <br />thereof on the Property, or pan thereof; and any amounts otherwise owing the Agency, and in the <br />event additional proceeds are thereafter available, then <br />11 Second, to reimburse the Agency anidlor City for costs incurred in <br />maintaining, managing, and lo.ating and retaining a matmeriance company (or governmental agency, <br />such as the City, including a reasonable allocation of its Wanes and overhead) to maintain the <br />Adjacent City Property, <br />[it Third, to repay any outstanding loans or other obligations owed by <br />Developer to the City and/or die Agency; <br />Iv Fourth, to the Developer up to the sum of the amount paid to the <br />Agency for the Property and the reasonable cost of the improvements Developer has placed on the <br />portion of the Property reverting to the Agency; and <br />v Fifth, any balance to the Agency. <br />Any balance remaining after such reimbursements shall be retained by the Agency as <br />its property. The rights established in this Section 7 are not intended to be exclusive of any other <br />right, power or remedy, but each and every such nght, power, and remedy shall be cumulative and <br />concurrent and shall be in add.tnon to any other nght, power and remedy authorized hetem or now or <br />hereafter existing at law or in ixryrty. These rights are to be interpreted in light of lice fact that the <br />Agency will have conveyed the Property to the Developer for redevelopment purposes, particularly <br />for development and operation of a Conforming Office Facility and not for speculation in <br />undeveloped land <br />8. Violations Do Not Impair Letts. No violation or breach of the covenants, <br />conditions, restrictions, provisions or limitations contained in tins Grant Deed shall defeat or render <br />invalid or in any way Impair die lien or charge of any mortgage or deed of trust or security interest <br />permitted by paragraph 4 of this Grant Deed; provided, however, that airy subsequent owner of the <br />Property shall be bound by stu:h remaining covenants, conditions, restrictions, limitations and <br />provisions, whether such owines tide was acquired by foreclosure, deed in lieu of foreclosure, <br />trustee's sale or otherwise <br />9. Covenants Rim With Land. All covenants contained in tins Gram Deed shall be <br />covenants running with the land All of Developer's obligations hereunder except as provided <br />hereunder shall temunate and shall remain in effect until July 5, 2028 (the termination of the <br />Redevelopment Plan) Everyovenant contained in tins Grant Deed against discrimination contained <br />in paragraph 5 of this Grant Deed shall remain in effect in perpetuity <br />10. Covenants For Benefit of Agency. All covenants without regard to technical <br />classification or designation shall be binding for the benefit of the Agency, and such covenants shall <br />C-9 <br />DOCSOC\746 W 1 v4W258 0002 <br />