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EXHIBIT A <br />RECOMMENDED FINDINGS OF FACT AND DETERMINATIONS <br />PLN21-0005 <br />2824 Halcyon Drive, APN 77C-1240-5 <br />Chris Zaballos, D.R. Horton (Applicant) <br />Douglas Storm, Douglas Storm Trust UDT (Property Owner) <br />The City Council hereby approves a Zoning Map Amendment (PLN21-0005), subject to the <br />following findings: <br />Zoning Map Amendment <br />1. The proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with the policies of the <br />General Plan. <br />The proposed zoning map amendment from IP Industrial Park/ RS Residential Single - <br />Family to RS(PD) Residential Single -Family with a Planned Development Overlay <br />District is appropriate and necessary for consistency with the General Plan because the <br />General Plan designation is RLM Low -Medium Density Residential which permits <br />attached and detached single family houses on small lots. Lots smaller than 5,000 <br />square feet are permitted. Gross densities generally range from 7 to 11 units per acre, <br />including streets and easements. Maximum allowable net density in this category is 12.4 <br />units per net acre. With the zoning map amendment, the Project retains the basic <br />amenities and qualities of a single family neighborhood, including front and rear yards, <br />driveways, and garages. <br />The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan designation of RLM Low - <br />Medium Density Residential because the project consists of 18 single-family dwelling <br />units on smaller lots that are less than 5,000 square feet. The project has a density of <br />7.4 units per acre which falls within 7 to 11 units per acre and is less than the maximum <br />density of 12.4 units per acre. For these reasons, the zoning map amendment with <br />Planned Development (PD) zoning overlay will be consistent with the underlying <br />General Plan designation. <br />The Zoning Map Amendment to change the zoning from IP Industrial Park/ RS <br />Residential Single -Family to RS(PD) Residential Single -Family with a Planned <br />Development Overlay District will align the General Plan designation of Low -Medium <br />Density Residential because the corresponding zoning designation for the Low -Medium <br />Density Residential land use category is RS(PD) Residential Single -Family with a <br />Planned Development Overlay District (General Plan page 3-33). The following General <br />Plan policies are applicable to the proposed project (note: LU-Land Use): <br />Policy LU-1.5 Front Yards. Encourage the attractive treatment of front yards <br />and other areas in residential neighborhoods that are visible from the street. <br />Landscaping of front yards should be consistent with the City's water <br />conservation and Bay -friendly landscaping goals. <br />Exhibit A: Recommended Findings of Fact Page 1 of 4 <br />PLN21-0005 2824 Halcyon Drive <br />