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Policy LU-3.2 Mix of Price Ranges. Mix of Price Ranges. Encourage a mix of <br />price ranges to provide housing choices for San Leandro residents of all incomes <br />and ages. Opportunities to include affordable units and market rate units within <br />the same development projects should be pursued. <br />Policy LU-3.3 Affordable Housing Design. Design new affordable housing to <br />blend in with the existing fabric of the community. Affordable housing should be <br />located in a variety of neighborhoods rather than concentrated in one particular <br />part of the city. <br />Policy LU-3.4 Promotion of Infill. Encourage infill development on vacant or <br />underused sites within residential and commercial areas. <br />Policy LU-3.10 Market -Rate Housing. Encourage the provision of a significant <br />amount of market -rate ownership and rental housing as part of an effort to <br />maintain and diversify the city's economic base. <br />2. The proposed zoning map amendment is consistent with the purposes of this <br />Code. <br />The proposed zoning map amendment from IP Industrial Park/ RS Residential Single - <br />Family to RS(PD) Residential Single -Family with a Planned Development Overlay <br />District is appropriate, consistent and in agreement with the purposes of the Code <br />because the underlying Residential Single -Family zoning district permits single-family <br />residential dwelling units at a maximum density of one dwelling unit per parcel. The <br />project is consistent as the density is also one dwelling unit per parcel. In addition, the <br />zoning map amendment will be subjected to any development proposal on the property <br />to the City's discretionary review process, ensuring that the new development will be <br />compatible with the existing area. <br />The Planned Development is compatible with the existing and proposed uses in the <br />surrounding neighborhood because single-family residential is a permitted land use in <br />the RS Residential Single -Family with a Planned Development Overlay zoning <br />designation and the project's single-family residential land use is compatible and <br />consistent with other land uses found in the surrounding the predominantly single-family <br />neighborhood, with the exception the parcel adjacent to the project at the northeast <br />corner is zoned IG(AU) Industrial General Assembly. The rest of the surrounding parcels <br />and neighborhoods consists of single-family residential properties. The project site is <br />located in the middle of a block that contains single family homes. West of the project <br />is a RS(PD Residential Single -Family with a Planned Development Overlay zoning <br />district. East of the project is a RS Residential Single -Family zoning district. Across the <br />street from the project is also a RS Residential Single -Family zoning district. A single- <br />family residential Planned Development at the subject property appropriate and <br />compatible with the surrounding land uses in the general neighborhood. As a result, the <br />project will be consistent and compatible with existing uses in the neighborhood. <br />Exhibit A: Recommended Findings of Fact Page 3 of 4 <br />PLN21-0005: 2824 Halcyon Drive <br />