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As part of the project's plan to rezone and redevelop the subject property, the property <br />will be improved with adequate public infrastructure such as utilities and other public <br />facilities to properly serve it without overloading and without detriment to the immediate <br />area. The Planned Development is fully accessible to all required utilities. The Planned <br />Development will replace a single parcel that is developed with two existing buildings <br />and two associated accessory structures with existing trees and ruderal grassland <br />vegetation with a 18-single-family residential development that has been found to have <br />less than significant impact with mitigation on traffic. Per the Infill Checklist, the <br />estimated increased trip generation rates for the project would be below thresholds of <br />significance and project -specific impacts relative to traffic hazards, emergency access, <br />pedestrian and bicycle circulation, and transit capacity would not exceed or differ from <br />those identified in the General Plan EIR. In addition, the project would not result in new <br />specific effects that were not addressed in the General Plan EIR, and no new mitigation <br />measures would be required. Utility providers have sufficient capacity to accommodate <br />the project and the project will contribute development impact fees in order to <br />compensate for the cost of schools and parkland. The design of the project will remove <br />two dead-end streets and improve access for emergency vehicles for both the project <br />and adjacent neighborhoods. Per the Infill Checklist, the project would have a less than <br />significant impact on public services, the same as the impacts identified in the General <br />Plan EIR, would not result in new specific effects that were not addressed in the General <br />Plan EIR, and would not require new mitigation measures. <br />Exhibit A: Recommended Findings of Fact Page 4 of 4 <br />PLN21-0005: 2824 Halcyon Drive <br />