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EXHIBIT A <br />RECOMMENDED FINDINGS OF FACT AND DETERMINATIONS <br />PLN21-0005 <br />2824 Halcyon Drive, APN 77C-1240-5 <br />Chris Zaballos, D.R. Horton (Applicant) <br />Douglas Storm, Douglas Storm Trust UDT (Property Owner) <br />The City Council hereby approves a Vesting Tentative Map (PLN21-0005), subject to the <br />following findings: <br />Vesting Tentative Map Tract No. 8592 <br />The following findings indicate conformance with the State Subdivision Map Act and the City's <br />Subdivision Ordinance. <br />The proposed map will be consistent with the General Plan in that it provides for a lower <br />density residential use in an area with existing low density residential uses on adjacent <br />properties and the immediate area. The project site has a General Plan land use <br />designation of Low -Medium Density Residential. Under the Low -Medium Density <br />Residential land use, attached and detached single family houses are permitted on small <br />lots. Small lots are defined as lots smaller than 5,000 square feet. Gross average densities <br />generally range from 7 to 11 units per acre including streets and easements, with a <br />maximum allowable net density of 12.4 units per net acre. It is also consistent with the <br />City's Subdivision Ordinance. <br />2. The design and improvements of the subdivision are consistent with the General Plan in <br />that it includes the creation from one parcel to an 18 parcel single-family residential <br />subdivision, which is adequately served by streets, and with sufficient drainage for the <br />residential development. <br />3. The site is physically suitable for residential development in that it is relatively flat, and <br />there are no known problems regarding, cultural, historical or scenic aspects. <br />4. The proposed density of development of 7.5 unit per acre will be compatible with adjacent <br />and neighboring existing low density, single-family developments. <br />5. The design of the subdivision or proposed improvements are not likely to cause substantial <br />environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. <br />The existing subject property is a developed and improved property in an urban area. The <br />proposed subdivision and related development will have no significant impact on the <br />environment's flora or fauna. <br />6. The design of the subdivision or type of improvements is not likely to cause serious public <br />health problems. A residential subdivision will not involve significant amounts of hazardous <br />materials or products. <br />Exhibit A: Recommended Findings of Fact Page 1 of 2 <br />PLN21-0005 2824 Halcyon Drive <br />