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File Number: 22-340 <br />sources and pays for basic municipal services. The amended FY2021-2022 General Fund <br />budget projects revenues totaling $127,566,000 and expenditures totaling $131,172,000, <br />including purchase order encumbrances from FY2020-2021, approved carryover amounts, and <br />several City Council approved appropriation amendments. <br />The amended budget expenditure total ($131,172,000) also includes several major City Council <br />actions recorded through March 31, 2022. The major adjustments include the following. <br />·Approved 2020-2021 Appropriation Carryovers-$448,500 <br />·SL Management Organization MOU-$113,000 <br />·Re-Organization Plan-$722,200 <br />·Mid-Year Budget Amendment-($2,391,000), primarily increasing projected Salary Savings <br />Third quarter revenue in FY2021-2022 totals $83,634,000, 66% of the amended budget of <br />$127,566,000, compared to 61% in FY2020-2021. Expenditures of $80,441,000 through the <br />third quarter amount to 61% of the anticipated total of $131,172,000, compared to 60% in <br />FY2020-2021. Both revenues and expenditures are higher, but in line with the prior year. <br />Expenditures are expected to stay within FY2021-2022 budget appropriations. Nevertheless, <br />expenditures will continue to be monitored throughout the year. <br />A detailed review of revenue and expenditure variances is presented below. <br />General Fund Revenue <br />·Property Tax-(61% of the adopted revenue budget has been collected compared to 61% <br />in FY2020-2021). Property Tax is the City’s second largest revenue source and <br />represents 21% of the total General Fund’s revenue. Property tax revenue is budgeted at <br />$26,894,000, $793,000 higher than FY2020-2021. <br />·Sales/Transaction and Use Taxes-(62% of the amended revenue budget has been <br />collected compared to 62% in FY2020-2021). The Sales/Transaction tax revenue budget <br />at $51,227,000 is $6,789,000 higher than FY2020-2021. At mid-year, revenue <br />appropriations were increased by $2,586,000 . Sales and Transaction Taxes are the <br />City’s largest revenue source and represent 40% of total General Fund revenue. <br />·Property Transfer Taxes-(75% of the amended revenue budget has been collected <br />compared to 57% in FY2020-2021). This tax is highly volatile, relying on changes in <br />property ownership. Property Transfer tax revenue is budgeted $4,000,000 higher than <br />FY2020-2021. At mid-year, revenue appropriations were increased by $2,000,000 . <br />Revenue through March 31 at $8,268,000 is $4,260,000 higher than in FY2020-2021, <br />because of both higher commercial and industrial property sales activity and the initial <br />impact of Measure VV. <br />·Business License Tax-(85% of the adopted revenue budget has been collected <br />compared to 69% in FY2020-2021). The budget for Business License revenue was <br />reduced by $570,000 to $5,830,000, reflecting COVID-19 emergency stay-at-home orders <br />leading some businesses to shut down and one parking lot operator closed. Business <br />License revenue through March 31 at $4,960,000, is $559,000 higher than in FY2020- <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 5/11/2022