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City of San Leandro <br />A-2 <br />Chapter 1.12 Definitions <br />Section 1.12.108 Definitions <br />Floor Area, Gross. The total enclosed area of all floors of a building, other than a single-family home in a <br />RO or RS District, measured to the outside face of the structural members in exterior walls, and including <br />halls, stairways, mezzanines, elevator shafts at each floor level, service and mechanical equipment rooms, <br />and basement or attic areas having a height of more than seven feet. For measure of floor area in a single- <br />family home, refer to Section 2.04.332.A Calculation of Floor Area, Single Family Dwelling. <br />Floor Area, Residential. The measure of floor area in a single-family home in an RO or RS District. Refer to <br />Section 2.04.332.A Calculation of Floor Area, Single Family Dwelling. <br />Height. A vertical dimension measured from finished ground level of the coping of a flat roof or to the deck <br />line of a mansard roof or to the average height of the highest gable of a pitched or hipped roof. The height <br />of a stepped or terraced building is the maximum height of any segment of the building, unless otherwise <br />specified, to the highest point. Please refer to the Building Height illustration below. (For a definition of <br />“height” in relation to Telecommunications antennas and towers, see Section 4.04.376 Wireless Tele- <br />communications Facilities {as per Ordinance No. 98-009}; and for definition of height restrictions in the RS- <br />VP sub-district, refer to Section 2.04.320.E. Additional Height Restrictions in RS-VP Sub-District. <br />Multi-Family Residential. Three or more dwelling units in a single building on a single lot or attached <br />through common walls to two or more dwellings on abutting lots. Types of multi-family residential <br />development can include townhouses, condominiums, and apartment buildings. <br />Public Transit. Major transit stop as defined in Section 21064.3 of the Public Resources Code, except that <br />it also includes a major transit stop that is included in an applicable regional transportation plan. <br /> <br />Section 1.12.112 Responsibilities <br />Title 1 of the Municipal Code defines responsibilities of the Board of Zoning Adjustments, the Planning <br />Commission, and the City Council for administration of the Zoning Code. Responsibilities of the Zoning <br />Enforcement Official shall be as follows: <br />A. Zoning Enforcement Official. The Zoning Enforcement Official’s responsibilities shall include <br />interpreting and enforcing all regulations and standards of this Code, and has the following duties, <br />as specified below: <br />1. Duties of the Zoning Enforcement Official. <br />a. Approval of Administrative Permits. Specifically, the Zoning Enforcement Official <br />shall be responsible for approving administrative permits, including administrative <br />reviews, administrative exceptions, certificates of compatibility, game center <br />permits, home occupation permits, outdoor facility permits, satellite and <br />microwave antenna permits, sign permits (including sign exceptions), site plan