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File Number: 21-744 <br />Analysis <br />A primary responsibility of the Successor Agency is to oversee the payment of Enforceable <br />Obligations. Enforceable Obligations are defined as: <br />·Bonds, including debt service reserve set-asides and other required payments; <br />·Loans borrowed by the Agency; <br />·Payments required by the federal or state governments; <br />·Pension and unemployment payments for Agency employees; <br />·Judgments, settlements or binding arbitration decisions; and <br />·Any legally binding and enforceable contract that does not violate the debt limit or public <br />policy. <br />Funding is requested for the following Enforceable Obligations on the 2022-2023 ROPS: <br />·Urban Analytics - $6,500 <br />o Consultant performing continuing disclosure requirements for bonds and fiscal <br />analysis of tax enforcement. <br />·Bond Compliance - $7,500 <br />o Covering trustee fees and consultant to serve as dissemination agent. <br />·Casa Verde Operating Agreement - $170,744 <br />o 30 Year Annual Operating Subsidy to Mercy Housing for development of affordable <br />housing at the former Islander Motel at 2398 E. 14th Street. Payments are made <br />per the schedule established in the 2006 Disposition and Development Agreement. <br />·Successor Agency Administration - $250,000 <br />o Based on ABx1 26, the amount permitted to fund staff and legal costs and <br />expenses for Successor Agency Administration is the greater of 3% of funds <br />received from the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust Fund (RPTTF) or $250,000 <br />annually. For the 2022-23 ROPS period, the $250,000 minimum will apply. <br />·Doolittle Dr. Streetscape - $400,000 <br />o Per reinstated agreement between the City and Redevelopment Agency, funds for <br />design work for completion of third phase of Doolittle Drive Streetscaping (between <br />Davis St and Fairway Dr). Note that these funds were previously requested on the <br />2019-2020 ROPS. However, the project was not ready to proceed and the funds <br />were not utilized and as such returned to the State. Design work for the project is <br />now planned to begin in FY2022-2023 and as such, the funds are again requested <br />on the ROPS. <br />·San Leandro Improvement Association - $5,000 <br />o Assessment payments for Successor Agency-owned properties in the downtown <br />business improvement district. The Actual amount is based on annual assessment <br />charges. <br />·2001 Certificates of Participation/2013 Lease Revenue Bonds - $553,665 <br />o Annual debt service payment is made per the payment schedule. <br />·2014 Tax Allocation Bonds - $2,113,364 <br />o Annual debt service payment is made per the payment schedule. The 2014 bonds <br />replaced the 2002 Plaza Area and the 2004 West San Leandro Area Bonds. <br />Page 2 City of San Leandro Printed on 12/30/2021 <br />527